A Babylon 5 marathon

Sep 29, 2018 19:35

A few weeks back I had a car accident. I got hit hard enough to total my car, and it turned out my headache was more than a simple headache and whiplash. I got a concussion. I didn’t even know you could concuss yourself just by wacking your brain against the inside of your skull. Luckily, it was minor, but it completely got in the way of my writing ( Read more... )

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Comments 26

shakatany September 30 2018, 02:53:17 UTC
Babylon 5 is one of my 5 favorite SF TV shows and in many ways I think it is far better than Star Trek though the original series is my top favorite (mainly because I was in love with Spock). I actually started posting a fanfic titled "In the Light of Two Moons" starring Neroon and Catherine Sakai. I only finished part 1 but one day I swear I will complete it.



lit_gal September 30 2018, 03:02:56 UTC
I love Neroon. Babylon 5 did such an amazing job of allowing characters to change and grow. He had such a character arc.


shakatany September 30 2018, 14:01:54 UTC
He and so many other characters were indeed terrific. Straczynski truly created a wonderful series - I sometimes wish I could go to that parallel universe where he was able to make the 5 season series he originally planned. And I also wonder what if Roddenberry had planned a 5 season series for his original Star Trek - what would have the characters done *sigh*

I do hope you continue to recover from that car accident concussion.



saphicwicca September 30 2018, 02:54:56 UTC
Hope you're feeling better.

I love B5. It's interesting you should mention this because I've been (recently) contemplating re-watching the series, but I haven't actually pulled out my DVDs yet.

You are so right about Delenn. She was a wonderful character with great strength and wisdom. Though to be fair there were a lot of lovely well-drawn characters in that show, even the ones that needed to be knocked around a bit.


lit_gal September 30 2018, 03:03:54 UTC
There are great characters. Bester is so good at being a three-dimensional villain who is convinced he is the hero of the story. It's wonderful. But Delenn will always have my heart.


twicet September 30 2018, 04:34:27 UTC
I hope you are feeling your normal self very soon.


lit_gal September 30 2018, 04:46:10 UTC
Thank you so much. I really am getting back to my old self


angelskuuipo September 30 2018, 15:25:25 UTC
I am so sorry your car died, but I'm glad you weren't too seriously injured. Concussions suck donkey balls. I've had three that I'm aware of (one of which I managed to give myself by hitting my head on a fireplace mantle a couple of hours before a flight. That was fun. Not).

I'm sending you good thoughts that you find your writing groove again soon.

Thanks for the rec of B5. I don't think I ever watched it when it was on. My rec of the moment is Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne Fisher is a wonderfully flawed and fabulous heroine who lives her life unapolgetically and fully. Also, the period costumes (late 1920's Melbourne) are amazing.


lit_gal September 30 2018, 16:02:12 UTC
Concussions suck big time. Huge time. But I am on the mend, thank you. And if you haven't watched B5, you are in for a treat. It's amazing that a twenty/thirty year old show still holds up so well. Other shows from the 90s have not. And thank you for that rec!


tabaqui September 30 2018, 15:50:50 UTC
OMGosh! I did not know you were in an accident. (Did i?) I'm glad you're on the mend and feeling better.


lit_gal September 30 2018, 17:50:25 UTC
I assume you didn't know. I'm getting better, thank you.


tabaqui September 30 2018, 17:52:28 UTC
If you had mentioned it in a previous post, my sad brain simply would not have remembered it. It's kinda lame that way.


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