14th Dogwatch: [Action/Accidental Audio]

Sep 01, 2010 18:27

[It's evening, and the worst heat of the day is starting to dissipate, and a semi-conscious pirate is floating in the shallowest part of the river by the bridge behind House 15. When he fetches up against the bank, he scrabbles for a hold and drags himself out, journal in hand.]

Ils n'ont même pas posé de questions. Bugger.

{{{OOC: Mostly Jack ( Read more... )

some torture doesn't show, returned from mallynapping, google translate french, they rewired his brain

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[Action] Tagging before work... mountain_sage September 2 2010, 01:04:15 UTC
[And Saleh is passing by the river on the way back to the village when he sees the pirate dragging himself out.]



[Action] k lists_to_port September 2 2010, 01:15:33 UTC


[Action] mountain_sage September 2 2010, 12:40:06 UTC
...What happened?


[Action] lists_to_port September 2 2010, 13:26:16 UTC
The metal men took me, savvy? And...

They took me. [He sits, arms wrapped around his knees, and stares at the river.] What day is it?


[Action] mountain_sage September 2 2010, 13:29:17 UTC
I see...

[He checks the calendar in his journal.]

It's September 1st, according to this world's calendar. Are you wounded?


[Action] lists_to_port September 2 2010, 13:37:55 UTC
Dunno. La douleur est partout, savvy? And my tongue's confused about its origins and purpose.

I feel sullied and unusual.


[Action] mountain_sage September 2 2010, 16:12:04 UTC
I...I cannot say I "savvy..."

[A pause, as Jack appears physically unharmed. The other strange effects obviously can't be cured by healing.]

It should wear off in approximately one week or so...


[Action] lists_to_port September 2 2010, 16:15:50 UTC
Not encouraging, that. [He stares moodily at the river.]

Damned Malnosso experimenters. How're things at the village, then?


[Action] mountain_sage September 2 2010, 16:29:21 UTC
Much better since the experiment. New arrivals appear to be coming in once again. I've been seeking to aid them and lead them to the village.


[Action] lists_to_port September 2 2010, 16:45:34 UTC
Any pirates among them? A man name of Gibbs, perhaps?


[Action] mountain_sage September 2 2010, 16:50:21 UTC
I've not met anyone by that name. If he is here, you may see him through the journals.


[Action] lists_to_port September 2 2010, 17:22:26 UTC
I see. I--haven't been around of late, but I shall keep a weather eye open.


[Action] mountain_sage September 2 2010, 17:42:07 UTC
You were taken by the Malnosso? What did they do to you? Do you remember?


[Action] lists_to_port September 2 2010, 18:03:01 UTC
Nah, I don't recall it, Sage. Most of it, anyway.

They never asked any questions.


[Action] mountain_sage September 2 2010, 18:07:43 UTC
Mhm. They did not speak to me either, when I was taken. It was quite an unsettling experience.


[Action] lists_to_port September 2 2010, 18:22:11 UTC
Aye. When you returned, what ailed you?


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