bandwagon ahoy.
It goes LIKE SO. You comment here and ASK A QUESTION it can be anything CFUD related, OOC, IC, Relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. I.E. My character's opinion of your character or maybe what you have been wondering about this behavior or that, or general thoughts on my characters or canons or what, who I might consider
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Comments 40
That said, Sumeragi is A++ hot. Sob. I am trying to think of others that are below the minimum cut off age for him so I will come back to this, I promise.
If you want a question, leeet's see - okay, what's your favourite thing about playing Raimei?
Raimei is a shounen retard... so it's like a license to be dumb. XD
What compelled you to app Kuroyan?
I think the second time, I knew I had to app him because I still wanted him to be in camp, and I still wanted to play with his reactions and his asshole nature. :( He's kind of amazing and I am happy I got him in this time.
Raimei's thoughts on yaoi, go~~
From LEAST TO MOST (drumroll please)
... okay this is way harder than I thought because most of them are on the heterosexual side, SHUT UP it's true
Yuri, Masataka, Basara, Michael, Shiouji, Freyjadour, Kuroyanagi.
There is a large gap between Kuroyan and the rest of them. Obviously.
EDITED, since I can't decide
and then I changed it because Michel has antics with both Alto and Luca and Basara only has a tabloid article
But I still hate the order and you commented so now I can't even edit it again!1! :((
Okay, no. Michel's pros and cons on Klan being with him in camp. 8D
Someone else to tease.
Someone else to be generally annoying to.
Denial Denial Denial (this is so a pro)
This relationship can never be
Why can't she macronize properly?
Inability to hit on girls with loli!klan around. :(
Avoidance is not fun, Klan.
Do the same for Michel~
She can keep an eye on him of course!
She has someone there that has known her forever
Macronizing will be fun 8D
She has to watch him hit on other girls
Question: Considering their status as kinda-rivals, how does Michel feel about Alto being in camp too? You can answer for Sheryl and Ranka too if you want. \o\
Frey is really happy she's here! Yay family, which is incredibly important to him. However, she's family, and the next person in line for the throne, so she's worried about her, and he also wants to shelter her from some of the more radical aspects of camp. THIS WILL BE DIFFICULT as Frey enjoys seeking out all manner of new and interesting things.
OKAY has Nanao and Shunsui's relationship changed since coming to caaaamp
...hahahahaha FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK THAT. But anyway for the most part camp really doesn't make all that much difference, they pretty quickly fell into their old habits of Shunsui being lazy and occasionally teasing/flirting with Nanao and Nanao trying to do her work and being >/ at Shunsui.
And then there was Fuura's honesty post from the other day, and SOMEHOW they ended up fessing up to the fact that they both had feelings for each other! And as a result of which they basically are a couple now, though seeing as they ALREADY kinda acted like an old married couple to begin with there isn't much obvious change in behavior or anything.
So basically, HAD YOU ASKED A WEEK AGO the answer would have been no there's no real change but now is very much YYYYY. XD
If you could convince me to app a character from any of your canons who would it be and why?
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