Title: in this room
Pairing: Mark/Eduardo
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word Count: ~900
Summary: Written for this prompt on
mark_eduardo's promptfest. Mark has a room in his house that he associates with Eduardo.
Notes: I figured it was finally time to post this on my journal.
There is a room in Mark’s house that contains a skylight. )
Comments 1
I listened to "To Build A Home" by The Cinematic Orchestra while rereading this. I know it's not appropriate because the song is kind of sad while your fanfic is hopeful...but there's a line which goes: "and I built a home, for you, for me", and it reminds me of this fanfic.
This is my favorite part:
Forgiveness takes a while, so Mark always leaves the door to that room open.
Just in case.
And also this:
On those days, those nights, when Mark has to make it through the night without Eduardo, he buries himself into the scent that lingers on the futon.
It’s comforting because it reminds Mark that Eduardo was there.
Eduardo was there even though he left all those years before.
And if he can come back after something like that, then he can come back after the small fights too.
I like how hopeful this is. I like how Mark (subconsciously) still reserves a room for Wardo in his house (in his life, and in his heart). Like somehow his house=his heart.
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