wow...i havent really been up to writing lately...its "been a long day" lol not to mention a long 2 weeks...pretty emotional and all...and i don't really wnat to get into details...its too much
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you're frustrated with the werm because you know how to use proper grammer already, but in reality most of the class doesn't. it's sad but true. just be patient with her-- she really is doing a good job, you're just above that level.
:) idk...but that brings us back to the whole stupidity of making that whole humanities last year and then not keeping up with it this year...if there was a higher class instead of just a mixed honors class...we wouldn't have to be doing this shit...srry if im offending ne one who doesn't understand...altho i will admit there were some fancy words that she told us today that i wouldn't have been able to i guess i learned some vocab...not grammar...but nice vocab words w/e
Alissa's happy poem: "i smell summer it smells nice camp is soon you have lice".....sorry i couldnt think of nething else for the last line! but I made it up myself, yea im good! lol ilularodkljd (i love u l like a really obese disgusting kid loves jelly dougnuts)
hahahahahaha nicole ilu!! Alissa's thank-you poem to Nicole: "i am also feeling the summer air your right it does smell nice. Here are some words that rhyme with air: nair, hair, pair (of boobs) care. So thats what the itchyness is: LICE!!"
ok that doesn't rhyme as well as urs does...hahaha but i do love you!!! xoxoxox
oo oo I know grammar! haha call on meee! pshh we didn't even do any grammar in middle school besides "a noun is a person, place or thing." needless to say, my ass was like raped non-stop my my english teachers and their "grammar camp" that they made us do. but i passed our writing proficiency test the firs time (which does not usually happen) so yeahhh i guess I don't suck that much. and alissa you're sooooo hot!
grammar camp? hahaha must have been xciting!! hahaha ill give u some credit...i def sense some hotness rubbing off on u from me! hahahahah jk jk ur sexyness is just overpowering!! lol ly xoxo
Comments 8
leave the werm alone she gives us candy lol
"i smell summer
it smells nice
camp is soon
you have lice".....sorry i couldnt think of nething else for the last line! but I made it up myself, yea im good! lol ilularodkljd (i love u l like a really obese disgusting kid loves jelly dougnuts)
Alissa's thank-you poem to Nicole:
"i am also feeling the summer air
your right it does smell nice.
Here are some words that rhyme with air: nair, hair, pair (of boobs) care.
So thats what the itchyness is: LICE!!"
ok that doesn't rhyme as well as urs does...hahaha but i do love you!!! xoxoxox
haha adios
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