
Aug 30, 2009 01:59

She's sitting and they are saying isn't the glow lovely? They say she's more than a match for her mother with the unearthly air she has.

Isn't the glow lovely?

She's staring off into the distance with an expression they say is serene and they say that it means she understands them, she cares about them.

Isn't the glow lovely?

She's being swung around in an exuberant display of passion and her body is as unresisting in his arms as that of a rag-doll.

Isn't the glow lovely?

She's staring blankly at the ceiling because if she closes her eyes he hits her and hits her and hits her again.

Isn't the glow lovely?

She's certain that her skin would shudder and crawl if it wasn't dead, if he hadn't killed her, just as she knows she'd be screaming if her throat still worked.

He says such

and all she can do is stay perfectly still.

Perfectly. Still. As still as a corpse.

Isn't the glow lovely? They'll have such a beautiful child.

Lissar spends the rest of the day in the closet in her room instead of the bed, gloved back of her hand pressed hard to her mouth to keep her from crying out and letting either Ironhide or Demyx know about her nightmare. They are under enough stress, and it is only her fears for her family taking vengeance against her strength in her sleep.


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