oh also - I just lol'd at your "i have a smoothie" tag b/c I totes clicked it to see if it was frequently used (idek why, but I was just curious. i love smoothies. k.) and then the fact that it was used once before made me happier. LOL.
ZOMG THAT VIDEO IS AMAZING. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. That's so creative and awesome. And they showed a clip from their other video on the treadmills!!! (I put a link to it in case you haven't seen it)
OH MY FUCKING GOD. You know The Goldberg Variation is my all time favourite XF ep right? And it started a fucking obsession with those machines. I love them. They have one in the Salt Lake Planetarium that is THREE FLOORS high. We watched it for about four hours ngl. jasdjnasljdnjlasdnljnsadsa
Comments 8
oh also - I just lol'd at your "i have a smoothie" tag b/c I totes clicked it to see if it was frequently used (idek why, but I was just curious. i love smoothies. k.) and then the fact that it was used once before made me happier. LOL.
Also, what kind of smoothie do you have?
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