Number: 021
Title: Healing Touch
Type: Shortfic
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Genre: Angst (written for the prompt "healing touch" from the ficathon at
sg_onesweetlove )
Characters: Jennifer Keller, Ronon Dex
POV: Ronon
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
Summary: Her touch was instantly recognizable.
Disclaimer: Never have and never will own anything from Stargate SG-1 or Atlantis. (Pity, isn't it?) I do own this story, though, short as it is.
The dizziness was almost overcoming him, but Ronon pressed on, scrambling through the brush, intent on reaching the ’Gate. He wasn’t sure if the feeling was due to the wound itself, which was still bleeding sluggishly, or if it came from the drug he’d been force-fed earlier.
He was so focused on what he was doing that he almost didn’t notice the figure coming towards him - a dangerous mistake back in his time as a Runner, but it wasn’t so bad today, because the figure turned out to be Jennifer. Her touch was instantly recognizable, and he allowed himself to fall against her when he felt her cool hands on his face.
“Ronon,” she whispered, and he could detect the fear in her voice, somehow, through the haze of confusion in his mind. “What happened to you?”
“Dunno,” he muttered, closing his eyes. Her fingers felt good, as though she could heal him instantly with her touch.
When he opened his eyes again, she was shaking her head, slowly. For a moment he wondered what she was doing, and then he realized that it wasn’t her head moving, but his. He stopped with an effort.
“You need to relax,” she was saying, one hand scrabbling in her medical bag while the other pressed against his face, soothing him. “I’m going to bind up your side. Then we’ll go back to Atlantis and I can fix you up properly, okay?”
“Okay.” Ronon’s voice was a murmur, and he closed his eyes again, concentrating now on her touch.
This time, he opened his eyes to a different sight: the ceiling of the infirmary. He must have passed out without realizing it.
“Hey,” said Jennifer’s voice from his other side, and he turned his head to look at her, pleased to notice that the dizziness was much weaker now. “How are you feeling?”
“You fixed me,” he said softly.
Jennifer blushed. “Well, you’re not quite fixed yet. Your wound’s taking a long time to heal,” she told him. “But I did the best I could.”
He reached out to grasp her hand, and she just stood there, staring down at their intertwined fingers. “You’ve got a healing touch,” he told her, but she remained silent, refusing to look him in the eye.