040111. [aph] Trap Door [1/3]

Jan 04, 2011 13:30

Series : Axis Power Hetalia
Characters : OC!Scotland, England, slight mention of America
Title : Trap Door [1/3]
Rate : G
Warning : Original Scotland based on Pixiv tag ねつ造紳士
Summary : Prologue from actual story. "That's why I can't take my eyes of you..."
Disclaimer : APH belongs to Himaruya Hidekaz, yet Originality on Scotland is mine.

Hello there! This is actually my birthday gift to my dearest hubby over internet, Opormore. She keep push me to try make some fancomic and well.. It's successfully printed in December. She and other friends who join Comic Fiesta 2010 have got this book safely, I thanked so much to frappetique  and gunfair  for their help in delivering ;w; also for hakuku  for her help in beta-ing my foul english XD.

First, I put this scan here because I don't have any intention to reprint this book. It's my trial and error first fancomic in measuring if I can publish more book in future looking at the feedbacks. And I want to share this to everyone who loves USxUK. So, without further ado, enjoy :)

to be continued ^0^)/

next part

joker, hetalia, fancomic

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