In Which Lisa and Peepy Visit the Hospital, Go on TV, and Smell Funny

Jun 28, 2007 20:18

I've been having such a lovely time running around Columbus, OH listening to audiobooks and admiring the sights . . .

La la la la . . . I'm running though downtown, getting exercise, getting healthy, seeing sculptures . . .

. . . running, running, la la la la, running and suddenly . . . whoaaaaa . . . I start to fall. You know, like in slow motion. And my brain says, "You're falling, like in slow motion."

Instinct took over and I knew I had to break my fall.

So I did.

With my face.

Bam!!! I am--laying face flat on the sidewalk thinking, "ouch" and "does this look weird" and "better get up or you'll get a ticket for loitering."

When I finally got back to Thurber House, people looked startled. Was it the blood? The bruises?

Susanne, Goddess of Thurber House, insisted, "You need to go to the emergency room and get checked out."

I tried to protest, however: 1) I knew she was right, and 2) I knew she was right. Kindly, Missie volunteered to take me--and to take three hours out of her day. (Thank you, thank you, Missie!)

After a ride on a stretcher and cat scans and x-rays and tetnus shots and antibiotics and pain killers, I was declared fit to run in the Olympics! (Okay, maybe not. But no bones were broken.)

Peepy was miffed because she didn't get to ride on stretcher. But then, she thinks everything is about her . . .

Peeps was also moody because earlier I had spilled pickle juice on her and now she has an interesting scent. The pickle juice came from the pickled baby corn I was passing out at the Dowd Center, a Homeless Families Foundation, where I've been teaching this week. (When you pretend you're a giant and write stories about it, you need to have pickled baby corn.)

(Above: The Dowd Center is full of great vibes and wonderful artwork.)

In other non-medical news, I attended a Thurber House Literary Picnic featuring former Writer-in-Residence Tara Ison . . .

Tara, who's also from Los Angeles, read from her marvelous new book THE LIST.

This morning, I was on Good Day Columbus, a local news/morning show. I was going to show off my red and purple bruises, thinking they made me look lively and interesting. But decided that makeup might be a better idea since some viewers might be eating breakfast.

The show included live interviews from Thurber House, a tour, a peek at James Thurber's original drawings, and more!

(Above: As host Johnny Diloretto prepares to interview Susanne, Peepy tries to get into the shot.)

The promo for my interview took place in the bathroom . . .

. . . where the walls are lined with photos of famous authors who have visited. While Johnny was talking to the camera, I was tempted to flush the toilet. (Painkillers can make you loopy.)

Luckly, the interview itself took place on the second floor landing, away from the plumbing.

(Above: Camerawoman, Moi, Host, and a Peep.)

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