In Romania kids study religion even in highschool. Now they have an option not to, if their parents express their will in this direction. Mind you, they don't study the history of religions or any other similar thing that would expand their cultural horizon. No. Religion. Catechism. The majority being Orthodox Christians, they study that. Kids from
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Comments 19
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Hello! When there was no religion is schools there was less violence in schools and actually less sex in schools... The religion class didn't make the kids any sainter.
Fundamentalismul e o chestie foarte profitabila pentru politica. E mai usor de minat o turma de creduli care se ghideaza dupa niste unii care decid pentru ei ce sa gindeasca si ce sa faca.
eu chiar nu inteleg de ce elementele extremiste din doctrina au prins asa bine. de ce sunt oamenii asa de intoleranti, inclusiv cei mai rasariti, mai educati.
Educatia nu da si inteligenta. Cunosc multi care au citit biblioteci intregi si au urmat scoli si tot cretini sunt. Si parca cu cit au mai multa educatie, cu atit devin mai evlaviosi si mai intoleranti. Poate ca asta e singurul lucru care le-a mai ramas. E o prostie, sa te agati de astfel de chestii, dar parca sunt si mai inraiti de ce se intimpla si devin si mai intoleranti. Nu cred ca au nevoie de un motiv real, e de ajuns un pretext oarecare. Daca nu sunt homosexualii si lesbienele, sunt ungurii, Daca nu sunt ungurii e Uniunea Europeana care ne impune sa fim civilizati, si de ce sa ne invete ei, cind noi stim de la Decebal si Burebista, etc, etc.
si cum am putut sa-i uit pe unguri? faimosii unguri care nu au alta grija decat sa ravneasca la tarisoara noastra frumoasa si bogata, cu toate formele de relief si iesire la mare. adevarul ca si pe mine ma enerveaza ideea cu transilvania. de ce numai transilvania? si eu as avea mai mult incredere intr-o administratie maghiara!! ma rog, totdeauna a fost exagerat acest pericol - probabil programatic, ca sa distraga atentia de la problemele reale.
dar nu inteleg de ce au prins atat de bine toate aceste 'doctrine ale urii'.
I’m not sure how Finland treats Religion as a subject in schools; I’ll have to ask about that.
But that’s shit. And the reason I turned away from Christianity. It is 08, you are in the EU; if NI or Fi or the UK did this there'd be war! (Actually, there's hell in the UK cos the Bishop of Canterbury said that they'd have to accept Sharia law sometime. The hell? No, we don't; we have our laws, they have theirs, we do not need to mix the two. While I respect that "they" in question are immigrants etc, still I think they should not be made to accept our laws [to a point], nor we theirs).
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