Since I have a habit of following veetvoojagig around the internet... I'm back, too. Hi, guys, to anyone who's still around. I pretty much only used this thing for fics and icons, lol, so I'm not sure who even remembers me
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I'm sorry to hear that you're ill. It really sucks to have such common symptoms, as it's hard to pin them down to any one thing; makes it hard to diagnose, which means it's hard to figure out what you need to do to get better. I have depression, and it can be difficult at times too; but at least the docs know something about what might or might not work, and it's mostly under control.
Aw, thanks. Yeah, the main problem was that the first hospital visit, they said the anemia was 'idiopathic' and wouldn't return. A few months later, booom! So we didn't even TRY to figure out the solution until I'd already been out of work for three months. *headdesk*
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Hope the new doc helps.
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