Title: The Malfoy Frog Prince
Rating: PG13
Summary: A D/G adaptation of the well known tale about the Frog Prince, in which Draco is a frog and Ginny is a closeted kleptomaniac.
Author’s Notes: This is a belated gift-fic to one uberly nice
jandjsalmon for her birthday ^_^ Hope she likes it.
Once upon a time… )
Comments 15
Great job!
You knew that already... so what's with the 'hope' thingy in there Miss Lirie? ;) It was wonderful, and amusing and witty and charming and all other good things. I LOVE it!
Thank you so so much! ;) *huggles you tightly*
I shouldn't have read this at work; I'm all swoony now and knowing my luck, a customer will come in while I'm still Draco-dazed.
This is so great! It's what fanfic is all about.
I'm going to be sighing and staring off wistfully all day, thanks to this.
Very unique style, the transitions are very well done. ^_^
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