The Local Fires

Jun 30, 2012 00:03

It's been a crazy summer, so far. We've been insanely busy, but the last couple of weeks have been even crazier, with 100+ degree weather, a few wild fires that multiplied in one day's thunderstorms into dozens of wildfires. The air's constantly smoky, but we're not directly threatened by anything, thank goodness. Still, it's rather disheartening ( Read more... )

knitting, grace, health, travel

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Comments 14

incandescens June 30 2012, 09:07:05 UTC

You keep on doing such excellent things!

I will be hoping the fire stays well away from you, and look forward to pictures of the Beekeepers Quilt.


liralen July 1 2012, 03:53:11 UTC
(hugs) thank you so much!

It's fun to do a tiny bit at a time. *laughs*


zoniecatz June 30 2012, 10:19:21 UTC
Been following your posts for months & glad to see you back after the past few weeks!

It's hot here too... 112 yesterday I think. Sounds like we may live in the same lovely, nutty state, LOL.
Stay safe away from the fires & out of the smoke. =)

... & thanks for posting the link about the dog & the sweet potatoes. Loved it!

PS, want 2 say I'm eager for updates on a couple of your fanfics... but don't want to add any pressure...
(oops, guess I just said it!) So in addition, I'll offer many, many thanks for sharing your writing here. have really enjoyed it! :)


liralen July 1 2012, 03:54:12 UTC
We may well be. *grins* Hope you stay safe too!!

*laughs* Which fanfics? I've only got Twin Souls and Winter War left, and I'm halfway through a chapter of Winter War and got stalled when David and West hit us both really hard.

Very happy you're enjoying the writing. It's been fun.


zoniecatz August 16 2012, 23:24:53 UTC
Yes, those two. LOL
Just hoping y'all are continuing these gems... ;)
I keep coming back to your list and finding something more to read that I missed before - Yay!


archangelbeth June 30 2012, 15:25:42 UTC
I crocheted a sort-of quilt! Kinda...

I'm glad y'all are still doing well and hope the fires stay well away from you!


liralen July 1 2012, 03:54:46 UTC
Hee! Can't kinda sorta a crocheted afghan? In parts?

Thanks!! Every wish helps.


I found a picture of the AfQuilt... archangelbeth July 1 2012, 18:40:42 UTC !

It doesn't have any "backing" on it, though, so it's not necessarily quilty...


Re: I found a picture of the AfQuilt... liralen July 1 2012, 19:23:17 UTC
It is patchwork, though! Very cool!


2metaldog June 30 2012, 19:23:28 UTC
I'm glad to hear the fires are not threatening you and your family.

I've always wanted to learn how to do entralac but never got around to figuring it out. But I'm also up to my ass in finishing a baby blanket and then need to make a poncho for my mom so....


liralen July 1 2012, 03:56:44 UTC
Oooo... baby blanket...

Yeah, busy is key! And I only picked it up as a quick thing to do. There's a lovely little pattern for an entralac cowl, which I highly recommend for a first time entrelac project, as it's fast, the instructions are nearly bullet-proof and I like how they actually use the finishing triangles to cast off.

It's very nice.

Good luck with all the projects!!


2metaldog July 1 2012, 18:49:37 UTC
Cool pattern, but it looks more fiddly than I like. If that's typical entralac, then it's probably not a knitting technique for me.


helliongoddess July 2 2012, 17:31:35 UTC
You are, as always, an amazing and awesome and generous woman, and I am boggled by your creativity, generosity, and time management skills ( ... )


liralen July 17 2012, 05:40:50 UTC
Having *just* done a whole set of batches, I now know the recipe by heart. *laughs ( ... )


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