Getting Off My Butt

Mar 31, 2011 23:29

John's parents are here. They arrived Wednesday in preparation for John and I going to Mississippi on Sunday to rebuild houses, they're staying at the house with Jet, so he gets to go to school, have his friends, do his usual things ( Read more... )

cooking, jet, health, manga

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Comments 6

incandescens April 1 2011, 09:34:46 UTC
I've read a few of the Iron Wok Jan books, and found them entertaining, if a bit disturbing.

Sympathy on the allergies/weariness/eyes. Everyone seems to be a bit weary at the moment, so I wonder if it's partly the seasonal change? I know that I've just started on my over-the-counter hayfever medication again, and my eyes and nose are now feeling a bit less dry and clogged respectively, so pollen/allergy is probably a factor somewhere.


Enjoy yourself in Biloxi! Have a good holiday.


liralen April 1 2011, 16:56:04 UTC
They are rather disturbing... and a bit more over the top than my usual reading. Jet actually doesn't like violence at all, or scary things, so he'll avoid Harry Potter, but goes for Iron Wok Jan, which I'm not entirely sure I understand, but... well, there it is.

It could well be the change. (hugs you warmly back) I am just very tired this time around... I hope we all figure out a way to get our energy back.

Thank you!


2metaldog April 1 2011, 11:41:37 UTC
I know we're totally different people and my eye issue is nowhere near as bad as yours, but I've got hives under my eyelids (top and bottom) and there is NOTHING that should be triggering that right now allergy wise. Things haven't started to bloom here and we've had a good bit of rain/snow so things aren't a whole lot dusty.

My eye doc thinks that there's probably something environmental that's making my eyes do that and because I'm allergic to so many things, we may never know the cause. They do get worse in the spring/summer/fall when stuff is blooming all over the place, I always have a low level itchy feel to my eyes.

I know that doesn't help any, but possibly there's something in your house that you're reacting to and your eyes have decided going bonkers is the best way to alert you to that.


liralen April 1 2011, 17:00:32 UTC
Ugh... poor you! Yeah, there might be some parallels... as my husband's even having a hard time too, and that's unusual. So there's probably *something* going around that's making it just harder right now than my body's probably used to dealing with or something.

Yeah... there's no cause for mine, either.

Thing is that it doesn't change when I'm out of the house, or in a hotel room somewhere along the Front Range. It doesn't even change much when I go to Seattle and stay in my in-laws basement, so I think it's something more than just environmental; but then I go to Tennessee for a week and it disappears completely. I'm going to suspect that when I got to Mississippi that it's going to go away, too. I'm acclimatized to Seattle and allergic to stuff there, so... might be more general allergies too. Bah.

anyway... I hate combinations of things as causes. *laughs* For the record... it just gets so complicated.


archangelbeth April 1 2011, 15:32:50 UTC
I read somewhere that if you light a candle, it burns up onion-vapor? Dunno...

Yay that they were tasty, though!

Good luck with the eyes...


liralen April 1 2011, 17:01:06 UTC
It does! It works very well, too! The last couple of times I did that, and it worked out, but just totally forgot this time.

Yay! They *were* tasty!

Thank you! I think that that is what it's going to take.


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