Fic: By Moonlight

May 17, 2010 15:02

Title: By Moonlight
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Shunsui and Jyuushiro
Rating/Warnings: NC-17, NOT work safe, at all. Anal, rimming, cum-shot, story.
Word Count: ~4500
Summary: A few hours after seeing Renji with Byakuya, Jyuushiro and Shunsui discuss as they retire to bed.
Author's Note: This is set in darkprism_fics's AU city, Monoshizukanohi, and is mostly for her, as she wanted me to write these two there. It's set a few hours after the final scene in "Closet Games". It's also for me, as I wondered how they'd do there, and what would they be? It's also for theablackthorn, because she wondered when someone would give Jyuushiro something. I think this is the answer to that question. XD

Beta'ed by darkprism_fics, thank you for doing that and making sure I got the universe as much on as I could.
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Naruto or their characters. I do not make any money from these writings.

In a darkened bedroom of a penthouse condo far above the rich, bustling shopping district of Monoshizukanohi, two men began to settle for the night even as the city surged into the throes of her true night life. Floor-to-ceiling windows showed the city lights, bright enough to turn the few clouds in the night sky pure white. A crescent moon sailed by, a fingernail of silver on black velvet, high above. Police sirens, car horns, and traffic were muffled, rendered mute by elevation and double-paned, bullet-proof glass.

The senior librarian of the Monoshizukanohi Central Library sat reading in bed as the gardener sang in the shower, performing his nightly routine. The librarian adjusted the stainless steel glasses perched on his slender nose and was the very image of comfort with his long, white hair spilling down the back of his well-worn flannel pajamas. When the gardener came out of the bathroom, drying off long, curly dark hair, the librarian looked up with a smile. The gardener looked back with dark eyes, scratched scruff still securely attached and unshaven all over his chin, and climbed into their shared bed.

Shunsui just kept going once he was under the covers and ended up with his legs sprawled across Jyuushiro's lap, head on Jyuushiro's shoulder, and arm about his slender torso. Big brown, calloused hands spread under soft cotton to caress white skin.

Jyuushiro chuckled softly, set his book and glasses carefully aside on the night stand, and wrapped his arms around his lover. "So what did you think of tonight?" he asked.

Shunsui grunted, nuzzled, and then stilled as he grinned up at Jyuushiro's green eyes that coolly watched him even as his hands and lips meandered, and buttons gradually fell to his onslaught. "Hm. Mostly thought it was about time Byakuya got laid."

"He does look more content now, doesn't he?" Jyuushiro mused. "Especially compared to when I was his mentor."

Shunsui barked a laugh. "Did you see Abarai's eyes?"

Jyuushiro nodded. "Rukia's too. She was so very angry, but ended up so pleased. I was glad of that, when it was obvious Abarai was in love."

"Mm..." Shunsui said. Jyuushiro felt Shunsui's warm hands wander down into the bedclothes, gently stroking Jyuushiro's hips. "What do you think of Byakuya's early retirement?"

Jyuushiro gave a low laugh. "I hope his grandfather doesn't blame me for being a bad example."

"In your choice of lovers? Or in quitting as the CEO of Phoenix Investments before someone finished killing you?" asked Shunsui, his voice so light that Jyuushiro bent to kiss him.

"Now you make me wish he would blame me, just so you could hear me go off on him." Jyuushiro say wryly. "Wouldn't hurt to have a reason to tell him to stop nagging Byakuya about his choice in lifestyle." Jyuushiro got such a sweetly slow kiss back that it made him sigh. "Tempter," he said mildly, when he broke the kiss off.

"Not nearly good enough at it if you're still speaking to me," Shunsui said with a grin, as his hand gently cupped Jyuushiro's crotch through the soft fabric.

Jyuushiro sighed, pushed at Shunsui, and turned them both so he could straddle the bigger man's torso and groin. His shirt was already half-off from Shunsui's gentle efforts. He leaned forward so that his white hair curtained them from the rest of the dark, richly accoutered bedroom. His hands suddenly caught Shunsui's wrists and held his dark lover's arms over his head, eliciting a groan before he bent to kiss Shunsui hard. His teeth and lips attacked as Shunsui's mobile mouth yielded to the onslaught and his tongue dipped deep. Shunsui bucked and moaned into Jyuushiro's mouth, and Jyuushiro moved so that he ground hard against Shunsui's sudden arousal.

Shunsui cried out shuddering, trying to pull up on his hands to put them about Jyuushiro, but Jyuushiro put his weight on Shunsui's wrists, making the big man writhe. He broke the kiss, and they were both panting hard before Shunsui looked directly up at Jyuushiro.

"Guess... guess I didn't do so badly, huh?"

Jyuushiro laughed between breaths. "No. You are quite persuasive, Kyouraku." He coughed. "Shit," he said softly and started coughing again, and rolled off Shunsui's body so he wouldn't cough into his lover's face.

Seven years ago, Ukitake Jyuushiro was the CEO of Phoenix Investments. Weiss Margera lost his entire livelihood in the market crash that spring. He went insane, and started making and carrying out a series of death threats against the top ten business men in the country. Shunsui, then an agent on the bodyguard detail of the Prime Minister's Secret Service, took the assignment to guard Jyuushiro's life.

The assassin had, to that point, only used long-range weapons. He shot each one with a sniper rifle from high vantage points, not closing with the bodyguards and choosing no direct confrontation with his victims. So no one expected it when the man brought and threw an ancient canister of mustard gas into Jyuushiro's corner office.

Shunsui caught the culprit when he saw him running from the site before anyone else had any idea what was happening. He just fired on instinct, and the injured man started swearing he had already killed them all.

The characteristic smell and color of the gas was enough to make Shunsui pull a fire alarm to get everyone out of the building. Then he held his breath, put a wet handkerchief over his eyes, waded into the mahogany and leather filled office, skirted the still-spewing canister, and bodily lifted the limp, white-haired figure out of the beautiful death trap.

He made the other agents douse both of them with several bottles of bleach, saving Jyuushiro from severe burns over seventy percent of his body, but the damage to Jyuushiro's lungs was already done.

For the next three weeks, Jyuushiro battled death in a hospital room with Shunsui by his side, wracked with guilt over all Jyuushiro's wounds.

When Jyuushiro finally awoke, lucid once again, the first thing he rasped to Shunsui was, "Thank you for saving my life."

Shunsui broke down and cried, and Jyuushiro finally let himself touch his agent's hair.

Once they both realized they loved each other, they agreed that life was too short to be apart any longer.

Jyuushiro retired from Phoenix Investments without a second thought. Relieved at not having to fight to get rid of him, The Board of Directors awarded him a handsome retirement package, with more than enough money for him to live out the rest of his days even with his medical expenses. Now he spent his days in the Central City Library reference stacks, and was delighted to turn his significant powers of research on anything that caught his fancy. He loved working on hard problems for his friends.

When Shunsui heard that he'd gotten a commendation for what he'd done for Jyuushiro, he ran into the company bathroom and threw up. He quit his high pressure job and became a sometimes gardener, specializing in city roof gardens.

After a few months, Jyuushiro managed to persuade Shunsui to do a few security consulting jobs for various dignitaries in the city. He did well, and the book that he and Jyuushiro wrote about the basic lessons Shunsui had learned as a bodyguard did so well that Usagi Security put him on a retainer for whenever they needed someone to strategize the really tough assignments.

In between those assignments, Shunsui planned, built, and planted gardens. Jyuushiro watched the old bodyguard relax and smile again, as he dug deep into the earth and made things grow. The eclectic beauty of Shunsui's work caused him to be in such high demand that he finally started picking and choosing his garden work according to how interested he was in the people involved. A subsequent gardening book for small spaces helped make his contracts even more lucrative.

So now they shared a condo in the shopping district, one of the best parts of town, right above James. It helped that it was near enough to the central library that Jyuushiro could walk to work.

They each kept their connections. Shunsui kept in touch with Rukia and Ichigo at Usagi Security, he met with the gruff Secretary of Defense Yamamoto, he had coffee now and again with Ise Nanao still in trim black suits with the Secret Service, and drank with Urahara, who now owned, of all things, a line of grocery stores. Shunsui wanted to keep in shape, so started training at the Green Dojo and found some good friends there. He was surprised to find that Hatake Kakashi -- the easy-going man whom Shunsui met at the Dojo -- also ran his favorite bar, Glow, in their new neighborhood.

Jyuushiro kept his financial contacts. Now and again, he would do a bit of growing of his own by lending money to those that needed it for their dreams or ideas. He very happily found a loan for Renji when he first looked to start his business. His Kuchiki family ties were still strong, and the kids he'd taught in the business school at the University were now coming into their power. Some very powerful people now consulted the reference desk at the library on a regular basis.

So, despite the tragedy that brought them together, Jyuushiro and Shunsui made a good, new life for themselves.

Jyuushiro found his inhaler, and after two good long pulls he could breathe again. Missing a third of his lung capacity didn't bother him too often, but when it did he usually had some treatment that could help even in the short term. Shunsui's warm arms wrapped about Jyuushiro and the prickle of his cheek and chin rested against Jyuushiro's back.

Turning in Shunsui's grasp, Jyuushiro knew his lover didn't like the taste of his mouth immediately after the inhaler, but he also knew that the airborne steroids would do their magic to raise his heart beat and clear what he had left of his lungs. The extra male hormones in his system enhanced his libido and strength, making sex even a little more fun when he was on them.

So instead of kissing Shunsui on the mouth, Jyuushiro kissed him along his chin, and as Shunsui tilted back his head, Jyuushiro worked over the prickly throat, gnawing gently at breath and pulse. Shunsui moaned, hands closing on Jyuushiro's upper arms, body arching. Gradually Jyuushiro worked his way down the hard chest to stiffen nipples with tongue and teeth. Shunsui's soft cries as Jyuushiro suckled and pinched made him groan as he tongued his way down rock hard abs to the course dark hairs making a gentle v below the waistband of Shunsui's snug briefs.

Jyuushiro wasted no time peeling back the confining cloth to release Shunsui's hard-on. He shimmied out of his pajamas and felt Shunsui's warm hand caressing his ass. The lube and condom were in their accustomed drawer of the nightstand, and Jyuushiro quickly pulled them out with an economy of motion that made Shunsui chuckle.

"In a hurry tonight?" Shunsui asked, his deep voice lazy and quiet. "We've got no where we have to be tomorrow, it's Saturday."

Quirking an eyebrow at Shunsui, Jyuushiro realized just how quickly he had been going. Another side-effect of the drugs made him even more goal-oriented than usual, and he laughed softly. "I guess so. Are there any particular diversions you'd like me to take?"

"Mm... it was fun listening to Renji and Byakuya... especially once Ichigo left." Shunsui lay back, eyes slowly closing, and Jyuushiro admired the fan of thick dark lashes against his cheek.

"Did something there catch your attention?" Jyuushiro asked, as his hands started smoothing along Shunsui's skin.

"It just made me think it's good that Byakuya finally has an outlet," Shunsui answered, his eyes opening, and then he continued with a quirk of his lip, "and it made me wish I were just a bit younger and didn't have to worry about spraining three things at once."

Jyuushiro laughed again and curled up on top of Shunsui who wrapped his arms around him warmly. Slowly now, Jyuushiro moved against Shunsui, and he murmured, "So you don't want any pulled muscles, hm?"

"Mmhm," purred Shunsui as he rubbed up against Jyuushiro. "Slower might keep your breathing more even, too. Hm... how about..." He rolled, trapping Jyuushiro under him as he reached into their night stand drawer, rummaged about until he found a blindfold. Jyuushiro stilled underneath him and Shunsui laughed softly. "Not for you... for me."

Fascinated, Jyuushiro watched as Shunsui put the blindfold over his own head and then slowly moved so that his lips found Jyuushiro's skin. Jyuushiro watched as the bigger man started to blindly move across his chest until lips, tongue, and just the edge of teeth were on Jyuushiro's nipple. He closed his hands on Shunsui's arms and arched up into the sensation, making a soft sound.

"I like that..." whispered Jyuushiro.

The wet heat of Shunsui's tongue lapped along the sensitive nub for a while, even as one hand stroked along Jyuushiro's belly and sides. The prickle of the scruff above and below Shunsui's lips and the harsh scrub of his cheek when he laid his head on Jyuushiro's chest prickled and scratched pleasantly.

Gradually Shunsui worked his way down Jyuushiro's body, one hand cradling a sharp hip bone, the other sliding down to wrap about Jyuushiro's lower back. His torso slid onto Jyuushiro's legs and hips, effectively pinning him to the bed. Tongue and lips, scruff and teeth trailed down along Jyuushiro's belly, pausing at his navel to lap and bite. Jyuushiro managed to make no sound, but his breathing quickened and his hands kneaded Shunsui's shoulders.

"Your muscles here..." Shunsui traced a wet line with his tongue just under Jyuushiro’s ribs. "They flutter when you can't quite catch your breath... and I can feel your cock twitch every time I do this." He pushed his unshaven chin into Jyuushiro's belly, his cheek sliding along a hard and dripping cock. He bit Jyuushiro's skin, pinching it gently between the edges of his teeth, and Jyuushiro did, indeed, feel his breathing and his thinking processes flutter as his cock jumped at the sensation.

"Yes, they do, don't they?" Jyuushiro murmured with a soft laugh.

"How about if I move lower?"

Jyuushiro groaned softly and writhed, his legs suddenly on Shunsui's arms and shoulders, tensing as that damnable mouth moved lower, brushing against the sensitive thin skin above his hip, wetly biting and licking at the bone, and then...

"Guh..." The combination of scratchy, wet, and hot licked along the juncture of hip to body and brushed against balls, jumbling his thoughts into a confused mass. His body, though, knew what it wanted and he tensed his legs, pushing at Shunsui until he felt Shunsui's head duck lower.

"Oh, Shunsui!" Jyuushiro cried, his head thrashing against the pillows as Shunsui's tongue and mouth suckled and licked at his entrance, touched and wetly caressed the most intimate of areas. Sensations poured over him like a spring flood, washing away every other thought or feeling.

Shunsui's hands held Jyuushiro firmly so that he couldn't just buck the bigger man off of him. Sounds poured from Jyuushiro, as Shunsui started probing, gently, and then more firmly. Whines, whimpers, moaned "Yes"'s and "Oooh!" of surprise and sheer need. By the time Shunsui stopped and licked and kissed down the inner surface of one thigh, Jyuushiro had to unclench his teeth and the shudder that ran through him from head to toe made Shunsui chuckle in satisfaction.

"You want to try it, Shiro?"

"Try? Huh... what?"

"The blindfold?" Shunsui took off the blind, blinked and then held it out for Jyuushiro.

Jyuushiro held out a hand that trembled. Shunsui tsked and moved forward to put the blindfold onto Jyuushiro himself. Jyuushiro closed his eyes as the warm, slightly damp cloth came over his eyes, and his hands automatically went out, touching firm, lightly furred skin. Shunsui's velvet skin always fascinated him, and he brushed a gentle stoke against the nap of Shunsui's chest and upper arm. The pickup in the pace of Shunsui's breath made him smile even as his own breathing evened out.

"I think I could like this," Jyuushiro said softly. He brushed his fingertips along the skin of Shunsui's arm, down to Shunsui's hand, and he laced his fingers with Shunsui's strong ones for a moment before bringing Shunsui's hand up to his mouth. Jyuushiro started with a biting kiss along Shunsui's wrist.

The soft, low tone of the, "Jyuushiro," that came from Shunsui's mouth made him bite just a little harder. At Shunsui's gasp, Jyuushiro tongued a slow, slick line into Shunsui's palm. He felt Shunsui sink back into the pillows and onto the bed, as Jyuushiro licked and bit the mound under Shunsui's thumb before taking the whole digit into his mouth. He suckled hard a few times, and then lapped gently at each fingertip and felt them crook into his mouth and heard Shunsui's breathing quickened, his body tensing

Chuckling, Jyuushiro nibbled on the pad of Shunsui's index finger and moved to straddle Shunsui's hips. He sat down and heard Shunsui sigh as he rolled and sucked another finger into his mouth. Jyuushiro ran his hands up Shunsui's arms, and along his shoulders, trying to place his lover without his eyes. He leant cautiously forward, and brushed his lips against Shunsui's rough chin. With enough clues to know where he was relative to Shunsui’s mouth and body, he moved to lie on top of Shunsui, his legs shifting to part Shunsui's legs. Jyuushiro found an eager, mobile mouth readily enough and he sighed into it before kissing Shunsui slowly.

Shunsui met the kiss halfway with a soft hum of contentment, pressing lips to lips, even as his mouth and legs opened. Jyuushiro ran his tongue gently over Shunsui's teeth, and then slid his tongue against Shunsui's, as he smelled and tasted some of his own scent on the strong mouth that yielded so generously to his. Shunsui sucked softly on his tongue, moaning as Jyuushiro thrust deeper. When he breathed into Shunsui's mouth, they synched breathing, and Shunsui breathed back into him. They shared breath for three long, slow exchanges.

Jyuushiro started working his way down Shunsui's body, his legs folding between Shunsui's spread legs. The bigger man relaxed, murmuring soft sounds of enjoyment that shivered and heated as Jyuushiro licked and nibbled throat, nipples, and down the trail of coarse hairs to Shunsui's firming cock. Jyuushiro gently handled Shunsui's ball sack, cupping, and then lightly squeezed as his left hand wrapped slowly, finger by finger, about the heavy smooth warmth of Shunsui's arousal.

Without his eyes, Jyuushiro could hear Shunsui's soft intake of breath, and he felt the body under his undulate with the slow, slow rhythm he stroked along that silken skin. He could feel Shunsui's body as he arched, pumped, and hardened. He used his right hand to stroke along Shunsui's belly, then down along one hip and then back to cup and squeeze Shunsui's ass. And as Shunsui’s soft gasp sounded in Jyuushiro’s ears, he bent to take the smooth tip of Shunsui's cock into his mouth, tongue sliding along the slit to taste sweet precum. Shunsui's moan made him shudder, and Jyuushiro took his own sweet time savoring the sound and the way Shunsui filled his mouth.

Lapping and licking, Jyuushiro gradually lowered himself over Shunsui's cock, feeling the skin jump and the head fill and grow further from the foreskin. Shunsui groaned and his hips pushed upward, but Jyuushiro steadied Shunsui's base with his hand and rode the motion, making sure he had control over how deep he took Shunsui.

"Jyuushiro... please..." Shunsui breathed. "Faster?"

Jyuushiro licked the front of Shunsui's cock as he came off and he chuckled to a soft moan from Shunsui. "I want to ride you, so maybe not much faster than this..." He licked Shunsui from balls to tip and he reveled in a gasp and buck of strong hips.

"I think we're both more than ready," Jyuushiro said with a breathless laugh as he reached up and pulled the blindfold off his eyes. "And I'd rather see you, love, when I do this..."

And Jyuushiro lost his breath again at the smile Shunsui gave him.

"Oh..." Jyuushiro husked quietly, the sound trailing off.

This time Shunsui picked up the condom and the lube, covering and slicking himself before finding a couple of tissues for his hand.

Without any preamble, Jyuushiro straddled Shunsui's hips, placing the tip at his entrance. He relaxed with a slow breath and pushed. His hands tightened on Shunsui as his muscles gave and he cried out.

Slowly, slowly, Jyuushiro impaled himself on Shunsui's heat even as he saw Shunsui's eyes close, and they both groaned with the sensation. Jyuushiro shuddered hard at a frisson of desire, love, power, and surrender he had when in this position on top of his lover. As he seated himself, both men trembled and their gazes locked as Jyuushiro began to move.

Jyuushiro moaned softly at the sliding sensation within him, the emptying and filling as he moved nearly all the way off and then all the way back onto Shunsui, riding him easily and keeping plenty of time between strokes. Shunsui's hands closed over his thighs and their breathing synched to the timing Jyuushiro imposed on both their bodies. Slowly, steadily, he increased the pace, feeling how Shunsui's hips moved; feeling the small twitch when the bigger man wanted to move into him. Gradually he felt Shunsui's whole body begin to arch and harden. His timing went no faster, but the anticipation and knowledge of when each stroke would come built the tension for both.

Grasping his own cock, Jyuushiro started stroking himself in time to his own rhythm, and he thought of dancing, of the perfect play of two bodies in motion. Jyuushiro closed his eyes and simply kept to the actions that built Shunsui's groans beneath him, the exact timing that kept Shunsui's hands tightening on his thighs. Each filling added to the pressure gradually building within his own body. Closed within himself, he felt locked in this familiar dance with Shunsui, connected through their bodies in a way that made Jyuushiro understand how two bodies might share the same heart.

Both of them groaned with each thrust, breath stuttering, sweat slicking skin, and Jyuushiro moved one palm so that it lay flat against Shunsui's belly. He felt the tightening and bow of Shunsui's abs as he neared his climax. They'd been together long enough for him to learn how to play against that coiling heat, so that instead of some frantic, fast finish they could build and build past the point most could sustain intercourse.

Shunsui's teeth ground together, as his breathing stuttered, and Jyuushiro put more time between harder strokes. The resulting growl from Shunsui made him grin and that earned him a bucking thrust from the man below him. He cried out at being so suddenly filled, and he felt Shunsui writhe. "Shit, 'Shiro.... Fuck... oh kami, 'Shiro, at least... speed... up."

"How... how do you...ask?"

"Pleeeeeeese!" Shunsui nearly shouted as he twisted his powerful body, reminding Jyuushiro of some ridden tiger. "Damnit... please... 'Shiro, please..."

Jyuushiro sped up until he rode Shunsui's peaks again, rendering both of them speechless save for their soft, helpless sounds with each thrust. Finally, Shunsui bucked up against Jyuushiro again with growl, his head thrown back, his eyes screwed shut, teeth bared in a snarl, and Jyuushiro felt the swell within Shunsui peak. Jyuushiro started moving hard and fast on a suddenly rock-still Shunsui. Jyuushiro pulled and twisted on his own cock until he felt his own inner muscles tighten, and he groaned low and deep as his orgasm ripped through him, shooting out of his cock in spurts that rocked his body.

Shunsui bucked, grunted, and came with his lover, pumping deep into Jyuushiro as his big body spasmed hard in response to Jyuushiro’s tightening inner muscles. That voluntary squeeze made Jyuushiro's next pulse almost agonizingly pleasurable, and he cried out as too-sensitive flesh dragged against Shunsui inside him. The aftershocks yanked more cries from both of them, and then they gradually died down. Jyuushiro collapsed on top of Shunsui, and the bigger man's arms went around him and held him as they both shuddered and panted.

Eventually their breathing slowed enough that Jyuushiro could chuckle and hug Shunsui back. "Slow enough for you?"

"Mm... I'm about to just pass out right here... so... uhm... yeah..."

Jyuushiro laughed softly and dragged the tissue box onto the bed and cleaned himself up. Shunsui roused enough to get himself cleaned up as well, and then just wrapped himself about the more slender, white-haired man. Jyuushiro sighed happily, decided he was warm enough that he didn't need his pajamas anymore, and snuggled back into Shunsui's bulk and warmth.

Shunsui pulled him closer and breathed into Jyuushiro's hair, "Here I was feeling like an old man, and you go and make me glad of it."

Jyuushiro chuckled sleepily. "We last longer, you know."

"Mm…" Shunsui's laughter rumbled against Jyuushiro's back. "And we know each other pretty well by now."

Thinking about how he'd ridden the slow peaks of Shunsui's arousal, Jyuushiro smiled to himself. "Yes. I like that very much. No need to just guess and hope."

"Right, it's good to know and be known," Shunsui said sleepily, his arms tightening about Jyuushiro before relaxing again.

"Known well enough that you can do me blind," Jyuushiro said huffing a laugh.

"And you can do the same. Yeesh, what a way to tell me that my looks don't count anymore," Shunsui said with low laughter.

Jyuushiro snorted at that, his hands closing on Shunsui's. "Well, yes, it is true, though, you know?”


"I like your looks, but I'd still know you if you bleached yourself blond, put on fifty pounds, and lost an arm." Jyuushiro let himself shiver. "I'd still love you, too, still know what turned you on or made your imagination run. I'd see a plant and know it was yours, or a line of poetry and it would still be a piece of you."

"And they call me the poet," Shunsui said, and his laughter was so soft Jyuushiro only felt the breath of it against the back of his neck. "I love you too, Jyuushiro, and not just because you look like a shaft moonlight to steer by on a starless sea."

Jyuushiro felt laughter bubble up amid wonder, and then he let the laughter flow as he hugged Shunsui's arms about him.

Shunsui's lips gently caressed the back of Jyuushiro's neck. Jyuushiro sighed at how safe and comforted the small touch made him and snuggled in. The bigger man's breathing gradually slowed, and Jyuushiro drifted off to sleep, in the peace they'd made for each other.

kyouraku, fanfic, ukitake, bleach

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