Fanfic: Thrown Together

Feb 25, 2009 23:10

Title: Thrown Together
Fandom: Bleach
Prompt: Ikkaku/Grimmjow Angry Wall Sex
Rating: NC-17 Explicit yaoi sex. (as you might have seen from the prompt)
Spoils: Manga Chapter 326
Word Count: 1585 words
A/N: This is a birthday fic for mysocalledhell. Beta'ed on short notice by stark_black, thanks, so much for your time and patience with this one.
Disclaimer: I do not own nor make money off of Bleach. The characters that are having sex are consenting adults. And it's all fictional anyway...

They should have expected it.

Really, they should have.

Throwing the wounded, big-mouthed blue-haired Arrancar into the same cell as Ikkaku, who had his pride in tatters, really should have made someone sit up and notice and realize it was a really, really bad idea.

Even with the reiatsu limiters.

Or maybe especially because of the reiatsu limiters.

The cuffed reiatsu limiters were locked around both their upper arms. Ikkaku rubbed his as it prevented everything he might have done with his stupid-ass reiatsu. Sometimes he hated his spirit powers. He had no desire to be promoted to captain, and the whole hidden bankai business had landed him in his cell because he'd allowed the pillar to be destroyed rather than show the stupid power that would take him away from Zaraki's command.

At least the swords were kept outside of the cell, this time. Abarai just walking through the bars had taught someone something.

Ikkaku wasn't even quite sure what it was that the blue-haired asshole had said. Nearly anything with a breath behind it would have done, especially if it had "loser" or "weak" or "stupid" or "coward" in it.

All Ikkaku remembered was slamming into the bigger man with the bone mask. He felt half-ashamed because of all the bandages all over that rock-hard body; but half-eager because there was that bright eager look in those impossibly blue eyes. Then it was all blown away when the fucker kicked him, right in Ikkaku's gut, right on a half-healed cut, nothing held back, no quarter given.

Then it was pure joy.

It was feet and knees and elbows first. More kicks, round house and straight-on when the opportunities presented themselves. Ikkaku threw a punch at the Arrancar's chin, and felt it connect all the way through his shoulder. They both swore at the impact, and then the Arrancar brought a knee up between Ikkaku's legs.

Ikkaku jumped back before that one connected, but he straightened the leg and brought the heel of his foot back around into Ikkaku's side.

Ikkaku spit blood, and pivoted so that he could land his right knee on the Arrancar's kidneys. That was when the Arrancar cracked Ikakku on the skull with another elbow.

Yumichika always said he had a thick skull.

Good thing too, he thought dizzily, as he punched the bandaged ribs of his tormentor.

"Fuck, you play dirty," were the first words out of his opponent's mouth when he could breathe again.

"Dirtiest man lives," Ikkaku growled shortly, but then got grappled by the bigger man: brought in so close neither of them could build up momentum for a good, hard swing.

Both of them were now covered in sweat, panting as much from pain as from effort as their bandages were starting to bloom red. The big muscles rippling and jumping under his hands flexed and moved with every movement, the big hands on him gripped hard and pulled with authority. Both of them were in not much more than bandages and fundoshi; and that was when Ikkaku realized that his cellmate was just as aroused by all the fighting as he was.

Ikkaku laughed and bucked his whole body in an effort to break the hold the other guy had on him; and then the hold broke, he continue the turn in order to build up some speed, and he threw his weight at unbalancing the other man.

It didn't work, asshole responded too lithely to the move, bending instead of unbalancing and then bouncing back.

"Who the fuck are you, hollow?" Ikkaku grunted as he threw one arm around the other guy's shoulders, and went off his feet in an attempt to take both of them down on to the floor again.

"Why the hell do you need to know, shinigami?" the other said as he whirled to slam Ikkaku up against the wall rather than go down.

Ikkaku growled. "Fine, I'll just call you My Fuck. I'm Madarame Ikkaku." He bucked up against the other man, rubbing deliberately against the bulge. The surprised groan of hunger from the bigger man went right to Ikkaku's cock, and Ikkaku pulled him close, and bit him on the throat.

"Shit," the other one hissed and his hips rocked up against Ikkaku's. His hands shoved in between them, found the tucks and ties of Ikkaku's fundoshi and loosened his arousal. "Grimmjow Jaggerjack. And you're mine, asshole."

"Not if I can help it." Ikakku hooked a leg around the other man's and shoved away from the wall. This time he managed to unbalance Jaggerjack, and he grabbed the bigger man's elbow up behind his back, even as he slammed him up against the wall. His own muscles were starting to tremble with the holds and the overuse, but he could feel the same tremors going through Jaggerjack's frame.

He held the lock and slipped one hand down to undo the others fundoshi, there was a low groan of longing; but when he moved in close to rub his cock up against the other's ass crack, Jaggerjack flinched, and then his big muscles bunched as he really fought Ikakku's hold. Ikakku grunted, tensioned, and held the lock nearly to the point of dislocating Jaggerjack's shoulder.

"Shit. You want this... you know it..." Ikkaku grunted. "Yer hard as a fuckin' rock."

"Not. No." The whimper from Jaggerjack was real, and Ikkaku relaxed his hold just the tiniest bit at the sound of real distress.

Rather than take advantage of the sudden weakness, Jaggerjack leaned his forehead against the wall and tried to talk between his panting. "Not dry... I like it hard, but you fuck me dry... I'll fucking kill you."

Ikkaku spit into the hand not holding onto the elbow lock, twice, and the sounds silenced the bigger man. He slicked his cock as best he was able, his own precum helping make the job easier, and for a moment the strong body against him relaxed. When Jaggerjack tensed against his hold again, he was ready.

The feeling of hard muscles striving against him drove him mad, the sliding of his cock against that solid ass, poking, probing, trying to find the entrance, was exhilarating even as it was frustrating as hell. When his tip touched Jaggerjack's wrinkled heat, both of them cried out. Ikakku had to fight to keep his hips from snapping forward and ripping his own skin as well as his cellmate's insides.

He pushed, feeling everything in the man against the wall tense as he did so; and then, just as he was about to stop, both man and muscles gave with a melting motion that made Ikkaku growl as his cock slid deep into tight heat.

Then he felt Jaggerjack try and push him off again, pulling his cock halfway out of Jaggerjack's ass, the motion killed Jaggerjack's defiant motions and he cried out when Ikkaku pushed his way back in, hard.

"Yeah. Harder, fucker." Jaggerjack arched back up against Ikkaku. The motion made Ikkaku jerk on the elbow lock, even as he tried to catch his balance with his other hand against Jaggerjack's hip. The cry that came out of Jaggerjack was a sex sound unlike any other Ikkaku had ever heard and he felt the tight ring flex around his cock.

Ikkaku let go of the elbow lock to get both hands on the hard hips, and when Jaggerjack tried to move away, he just slammed himself into the other man, pushing him hard up against the wall and then starting a solid rhythm that had the Arrancar writhing against the wall.

He reached around, and curious, put all four fingers into the hole in Grimmjow's abdomen. The gasping undulation of the strong body under him made Ikkaku grin big, and he stroked the smooth walls he found there with a firm touch. Grimmjow bucked, whimpering, and Ikkaku found his rhythm going ragged.

With his other hand he reached around to Grimmjow's cock, only to find the Arrancar already rubbing himself off. He moved his hand lower down to cup and stroke Grimmjow's balls, even as his other hand started using the hole to pull Grimmjow closer with each harsh push into his heat.

Grimmjow tensed, body hardening even more, and suddenly he came, howling. Ikkaku lost it as well, and he spasmed hard into Grimmjow. Both of them came, shuddering, breathing hard and leaning against the wall just to stay upright.

Tentatively, Ikkaku drew his hands down the smooth skin of the man against him and he heard the softest of sighs; and in response, he wrapped his arms around the shuddering, shivering body in front of him.

"Oh, fuck," Grimmjow's voice broke. "What the hell?"

Ikkaku let his hands do the talking and as they both groaned as Ikkaku withdrew from the other's body, he turned the Arrancar, who leaned heavily against the wall, as Ikkaku burrowed in against the others sweat-slicked skin.

"D'ya always gotta picka fight ta get sex?" Ikkaku asked, curious.

Tentatively, hands lightly touched and then stroked Ikkaku's back before wrapping around him as well. When he felt a smooth jaw rub lightly against his shaven head, Ikkaku sighed and held on tighter.

"Not ta get somethin' like this." The voice above him sounded tired, confused.

Ikkaku shook his head a little and growled, "Well, next time just ask, Mr. Jaggerjack."

"What?" There was real humor again in the tired voice. "And miss out on the real fun? I don't think so... Mr. Madarame. Yer too much fun inna fight."

fanfic, writing, bleach

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