FanFic: On Fire

Jul 28, 2008 23:51

Fandom: Bleach
Title: On Fire
Rating: NC-17
Genre: plot, what plot?
Pairing: Ukitake/Abarai
Warnings: Man on man anal sex, explict. Bad language.
Summary: Ukitake and Abarai enjoy some loving sex together.
Beta: mysocalledhell. Thank you, so much.
Author's Notes: This is a oneshot and has nothing to do with my other Ukitake fics. There were just enough people that wanted some good smut to help them get through some bad times. Zorathenne asked me to do an Ukitake/Abarai PWP, so I said I would but... well... my brain had to have some plot or else I couldn't write 'em this way. Luckily, mysocalledhell had written a gem called " Stupid Fools" that gave me my handle on why the heck they'd even be together. So thanks, love, and kisses to mysocalledhell for writing that and stark_black for remembering it for me to ask about.

Yeah, I'm splitting all the posts this one time, comments are everywhere and I'll just deal. Next time I'll just leave 'em here, and let it all be here and appropriately filtered. Since I got a couple requests to post this here rather than just on the comms, I'll keep everything here. Thanks for reading!

Jyuushiro watched from between Renji's spread legs, as Renji's eyes closed and that incredible body, banded with muscle, covered in smooth tan skin and black tattoos, arched under his touch. He smiled and ran his hands up Renji's rock hard thighs, along those narrow hips, and then over that washboard belly. He bent to bite-kiss his way up from copper-colored pubic curls, and heard the younger man gasp and moan with each nip and caress.

Each sound aroused Jyuushiro even more. He was still bemused by how much he cared for the young fukutaichou. The tough, intense, and strong young man never ceased to amaze Jyuushiro, that he let himself be this vulnerable with Jyuushiro was something the older taichou cherished.

He felt Renji's hands slide along his arms, grip tightening every time Jyuushiro bit or licked or kissed. He slid his fingers along Renji's chest, finding the nipples and stroking them gently until his mouth found the one under his right hand. He licked the nub until it hardened, and then gently applied his teeth to pinch the hardness.

Renji gasped and his honed body jumped in surprise at the nip. His hands clamped on Jyuushiro's arms. "Ohh. Fuck, yes. That. Please, more, Shiro-san. Please..."

Jyuushiro felt the plea go right to his cock; he loved giving the younger man what he really wanted.

"Certainly." He bit down on that engorged nipple until Renji was writhing, his cock so hard and wet at the tip that Jyuushiro grasped it with his hand, using his thumb to rub the precum all over the velvet soft head. He thrilled to the quiet, almost self-gagged whimpers that were forced from Renji as he touched and smoothed that wetness further and further down.

Jyuushiro moved to the other nipple, enflaming it as he slowly, very, very slowly stroked Renji's shaft, gradually stroking more and more of it, as Renji's own arousal provided the lubrication to smooth each stroke. When he bit the second nipple, he was careful to stroke all the way down Renji's shaft. This time Renji bucked, and Jyuushiro could see him swallow hard as a soft grunt rocked his whole body. He did it again, and this time felt Renji trembling under him, and Renji gave him a softer almost-wail.

He nuzzled the abused nipple and just kissed it as his hands left the heat and wet of Renji's cock to a soft sigh from the younger man. Jyuushiro stroked all along Renji's belly and up along the trail of black strokes along his chest. Renji sighed and pushed up against Jyuushiro's touch as if he couldn't get enough, so Jyuushiro slid his whole, naked body up against Renji's. Their hard-ons rubbed gently against each other, their whole upper torsos coming into full contact. Jyuushiro nuzzled in against Renji's throat, nibbling the edges of the tattoos under his ear, as Renji finally was overwhelmed enough to groan full-out. His arms wrapped around Jyuushiro, pulling him close.

"You feel so good," Renji whispered, as his hands stroked through Jyuushiro's hair to stroke along his back.

Jyuushiro laughed softly and kissed that strong throat. "You feel wonderful too, my Seika." He liked calling Renji his sacred fire, because he burned so beautifully.

Renji blushed even more and whispered, "No... ahhh... you can't..." Jyuushiro bit him hard on the tattoos on the side of his neck. Renji gasped and writhed. "Oh, kami of fire!" He panted, "Shiro, I’m anything but sacred. How..."

Jyuushiro just kissed Renji hard, and Renji kissed back, a battle of teeth and tongues and both of them won in the doing. Jyuushiro had little patience for Renji's self-denigration.

Renji had proven to be touch starved in the first few years of their relationship, and Jyuushiro loved feeding his need to simply be held and stroked.

At first Renji had come to the 13th Division to find Rukia, and, like most people, Jyuushiro had assumed that they were a romantic couple. He'd engaged Abarai-kun in conversation when they'd met, as he would have addressed any fukutaichou, as he engaged Ito-kun when he spoke with her. He'd shared old lessons of tactics and strategy, of his experiences with fighting hollows, and some of the more practical people management advice on how to manage the problems that always cropped up when one needed people to do something bigger than one could do alone. Kuchiki-taichou was doing a fine job teaching Renji what he needed to know as a fukutaichou, but Jyuushiro found joy in giving Renji more meat as to how to act as a taichou.

Renji had taken to those lessons like a fire to dry tinder. He'd started coming around even after Rukia had been assigned to Karakura, and they'd started not only talking, but sparring, when Jyuushiro's health allowed it.

It was after one particularly bad coughing fit that Jyuushiro had woken up at Ubandou under the red-eyed gaze of Renji, who hadn't said a word. He'd only hidden his eyes, until Jyuushiro had reached up to stroke his strong jaw. The one touch had undone the big red-head, and he'd tried to turn away to hide his feelings; but Jyuushiro had whispered in his wheeze of a voice, "Please, stay."

He had and he'd cried into Jyuushiro's blankets rather than let the white-haired Captain see his tears. Jyuushiro had sleepily stroked that fire-colored hair and instead of turning away, Renji had sighed and moved closer. He had then said, low-voiced, that Rukia was like a sister to him, and he'd seen the dangers of being involved with his own taichou in watching Kira with Gin. But as wary as he'd been of love, of being loved, he now was in love with Jyuushiro.

And ever after that, he'd simply stayed.

Jyuushiro slid his hands under Renji's arms, and went up on his elbows. The arch of his back pushed his belly and hard-on even harder against Renji's and they both groaned softly at the additional pressure. Both their hips were rocking, sweat and pre-cum slicking the skin between their bodies, and their breath both coming in faster pants. The kiss got hard on Jyuushiro's part, as he delved into the red head's mouth.

Jyuushiro's hair fell in a curtain around their faces, silver as moonlight, and Renji's fingers threaded through it, catching and then sliding up against Jyuushiro's scalp. He tightened his grip and now it was Jyuushiro's turn to gasp and arch as Renji's tongue stroked along Jyuushiro's jawline and then down his throat. He followed with his own bite against Jyuushiro's throat making him shudder and both of them groaned again and Renji's other hand stroked down Jyuushiro's back and then pulled the slighter man up against him.

"Fuck me, please, Jyuushiro. I'm close and I want you in me, driving me insane. Please," Renji whispered against Jyuushiro's skin.

Renji's words made Jyuushiro groan and tension, grinding himself against Renji and the younger man cried out. That this confident strong man wanted to yield to him like this still made Jyuushiro hot with desire, gave him a deep need to cherish Renji, and a deep sense of wonder at the gift he was being given.

Jyuushiro pushed himself back up onto his knees, and he dragged a pillow under Renji's hips, found the bottle of cinnamon lube, and had himself lubed up so quickly that Renji was still panting, eyes closed, when he lifted Renji's left leg and put his tip at Renji's wrinkled entrance. Renji's eyes flew open, and when Jyuushiro started pressing in, he cried out, softly at first; but then his eyes closed, his head tilted up, his hands tightened on the futon's sheets, and, just as the hard ring of Renji's anal muscles gave, he loosed such a cry lost in the half-pain sensuality of being invaded that Jyuushiro had to bite his own lip to keep from slamming right into the yielding body before him.

Slowly Jyuushiro pressed his well-lubed shaft, so hard he could feel his pulse against the hard tightness of Renji's anal ring, gradually deeper and deeper in. The velvet heat sheathing him made Jyuushiro tremble and hold his urge to just move harder and faster, even as it made Renji cry out, shuddering and writhing. When Jyuushiro finally seated all the way in, his balls brushing the muscles of Renji's ass, they both were still, panting and groaning.

Jyuushiro could feel his cock squeezed tight at the base, the motions of Renji's breath and each time Renji moved and shifted made him shudder with wanting to move. But he waited and let Renji deal, panting. Softly, he said, "Seika, how are you feeling?"

"G... g... good," Renji panted. "You... you... oh gods, Jyuushiro."

Jyuushiro felt his heart pounding harder at the sound of his name said in that tone of voice. He leaned forward, and they both groaned with his motion as he put some of his weight on his arms, and Renji groaned again as Jyuushiro's belly pressed against his hot, hard cock. "Renji, can I... can I please move?"

Renji sucked in his breath at Jyuushiro's words, and his own hips moved under Jyuushiro and they both moaned at the motion as Jyuushiro slid within Renji. Jyuushiro's hair fell and brushed against Renji's chest and nipples and he shuddered before he managed to whisper, "Yes."

Jyuushiro started with short, smooth strokes. He saw Renji's eyes close, his mouth open and that tan and tattooed body reacted to each of the strokes, shifting to take Jyuushiro more deeply in on each in stroke, belly contracting, pulling away even as Jyuushiro pulled away. Encouraged by the easy acceptance, by the rhythm that they shared, Jyuushiro levered himself back up onto his knees, and changed his angle so that he could hit Renji's prostate. Renji's eyes rolled up, his hands blindly seeking and finally finding his pillow to grip in the folds there, as he gasped, "Gods! Oh shit, Shiro. Yes."

Jyuushiro stroked faster, deeper, harder and held onto his control with all the willpower he'd accumulated over the centuries. He then grasped Renji's seeping cock and stroked him so that Renji's cock pushed into his hand at exactly the same time Jyuushiro pulled out. Renji and his hips rocked, caught between the two sensations, first pushing into heat and tightness and then being filled. Each stroke pushed him higher and tighter and harder.

When Jyuushiro could feel the thickening of Renji's cock and the tightening of the space within as Renji's prostate swelled to deliver its load, he finally let his hard control on himself loosen. His rhythm grew ragged, as he now pounded into Renji's tight heat, each stroke now bringing a cry out of both of them, and he felt Renji's body harden, curl a little in on itself, and then snap with a grunt and a hard bucking motion.

Cum welled thick, hot, and heavy into the hand he used to stroke Renji's cock, and Jyuushiro felt his own orgasm break over him, pulsing from him into the gripping flutter of Renji's insides. He cried out with it, hips out of his control for the spasms, making Renji cry out again, buck, and push up against him. Jyuushiro moaned and collapsed on the sweat wet skin of the younger man under him. Heavy arms wrapped around him, pulling him close and both of them shuddered and panted softly in the aftermath of their own efforts.

They both sighed when Jyuushiro's softened cock slipped free. With the sigh, Jyuushiro coughed softly, and Renji's eyes opened immediately. His long-fingered hands stroked through Jyuushiro's sweat-tangled hair. "You okay?"

Jyuushiro nodded, but couldn't keep back another cough. Renji wrapped his right arm around Jyuushiro and rolled to that side, gently settling the older man on his side, and then getting up to get clean clothes that Jyuushiro usually used for his coughs. Gently, Renji used some of the other clothes to clean their bellies off and Jyuushiro's hand, and Jyuushiro sighed softly, coughing lightly, and let Renji take care of him and give him his inhaler.

Eventually, Renji pulled the green sheets over Jyuushiro and then went to the restroom for a bit before coming back, sighing, and slid in as well.

Jyuushiro had cooled in the meantime, so he moved in close to the hard warmth of Renji's body, and he murmured softly, "You're so hot."

Renji wrapped him up with his arms, and held him close. "And you're so cool, Jyuushiro, so comfortable. Like silver moonlight washing across the sea."

Jyuushiro laughed softly. "Sometimes you're such a poet."

He could almost hear Renji's blush in the acknowledging grunt, and happily, he let his hands roam, sleepily nuzzling in close and stroking what was becoming the familiar landscape of Renji's muscles, feeling the younger man relax with each touch, each soft, light, slow kiss. They both sighed softly, and gently went to sleep together, wrapped around each other.

fanfic, ukitake, bleach

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