Filling My Days

Apr 21, 2018 13:40

I think the most frustrating thing about trying to heal from overuse problems is that the list of things that I can't do basically makes up most of the "therapy". Given that most of my life has to do with what I can do, not with what I can't, it puts the focus on the wrong thing for me. And sometimes things affect the central condition that had ( Read more... )

healing, painting, writing, coping

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Comments 6

marypcb April 22 2018, 00:35:34 UTC
I swear by foam wedges for supporting bits of me that need it, and my Christmas present was an electric shiatsu mat that lays over a chair - just a 15 minute session after I do something like kneel on the toilet seat for am hour to mosaic the wall really unlocks the muscles in my back that go into spasm - not like proper massage but good as a daily thing


liralen April 22 2018, 05:36:10 UTC
Oooooo.... that sounds wonderful for my neck and shoulders! I'll have to look into that.


marypcb April 23 2018, 20:20:44 UTC
the one we got was Homedics - I've had a few things from them before and they're pretty good - - the US range looks different but this is close


incandescens April 22 2018, 02:14:05 UTC
I will be crossing my fingers that you do improve and continue to improve, and that working in the garden and with the bees will help. (And yes, definitely enter the Longmont Art Association's artists registry!)

Speaking of anime, you might enjoy _Silver Spoon_ - it's by the author of _Full Metal Alchemist_, but a very different setting.

Many hugs.


liralen April 22 2018, 05:38:50 UTC
Thank you! I think the registry should be a lot of fun.

I actually haven't seen all of Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood yet, and want to work my way through that. I shall also sample Silver Spoon as well, as our tastes are fairly similar. I've had a lot of good recommendations from Carl.

Many hugs back.


incandescens April 22 2018, 22:37:23 UTC
You should definitely finish FMA: it's excellent, and I think you'll love the ending.


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