My Goodness...

Jul 30, 2015 20:02

I just sent off the first big edits for an article for Slate, solicited by the editor from "the Liralen who inspired Jordan."

It's interesting realizing that that was more than thirty years ago, and how much I've changed since and how much I've done and gone through. And also how much the same I am as that ambitious girl who wanted to be an ( Read more... )

science, writing

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Comments 20

kjc July 31 2015, 02:52:55 UTC
Oh cool! Now even MORE people can find out what a lovely writer you are!


And enjoy both the business and the blessed quiet.


liralen July 31 2015, 03:43:31 UTC
*beams* Thank you so much!

For all of that and more... *hugs you happily*


archangelbeth July 31 2015, 03:26:30 UTC
Yay for the yaynesses! (Also glad to hear about safe stuff.) Also glad to hear that you've got some time to just go flop a little! O:D


liralen July 31 2015, 03:43:58 UTC

Yes. I think we're going to need it when we can get to it. *beams*



tallcedars July 31 2015, 05:21:46 UTC
Knowing that you were the inspiration for Jordan added another fun dimension to Real Genius for me. I'm looking forward to the article.

Yes - 30 years is a while ago. I'm as surprised at how much *hasn't* changed.


liralen July 31 2015, 05:44:37 UTC
Yay about the article!

And, yes, that's true, too, that last. It's kind of sad, some of it. I have Limarick's picture right next to my desk, still. *laughs* So some of it is good, too.


tallcedars July 31 2015, 19:38:13 UTC
Aww... I'll have to introduce you to Limarick's family some day.


liralen August 1 2015, 04:11:30 UTC
Yes!! You should!


agrimony August 1 2015, 10:48:15 UTC
I freely admit that I happily point out that Jordan was based on someone I know every opportunity that I get. :)


liralen August 2 2015, 03:21:13 UTC
*beams* That's so cool! Thank you for telling me!


tagryn August 3 2015, 13:50:03 UTC
Nothing deep to say, just thanks for the update! Enjoy the time off!


liralen August 5 2015, 18:50:42 UTC
*beams* You're so welcome, and thanks for the check-in. I appreciate it.


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