more videogame BS for the few people who care

Feb 27, 2008 18:36

Ok, so Lars Ulrich might be a bit of a weeny, and he did get me kicked off of Napster, but he's one heck of a drummer. We made the horrible mistake of downloading the Metallica 3-song pack for Rock Band and all of the songs kick my ass on the drums. On Hard no less, to say nothing of Expert. This is depressing. Although I have no background in ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

zoopsoul February 28 2008, 04:14:51 UTC
No way of filtering content. =( Really lame lack-of-option.

I've gotten to the point that I can clear every song on Hard in the high 90%s... Expert Dead on Arrival is giving me trouble, as is Detroit Rock City. I despise both songs, which doesn't help.

Want to pee your pants?


zoopsoul February 28 2008, 04:16:17 UTC
Also, the shitty part is I often play on Hard in fear of Blackened or the aforementioned Perfect Drug on Expert and wind up getting really easy crap that I can Gold Star on Expert like Live Forever or Creep. =\ Very irritating.


liradralyn February 28 2008, 19:57:07 UTC
That video is insane. Maybe I won't get the NIN 3-pack either, although I love the song :( It doesn't seem quite fair though, because doesn't Reznor program all his drums with a computer?


zoopsoul February 28 2008, 20:06:40 UTC
I highly recommend the NIN pack though, as the tracks are very fun on Hard, too, unlike most charts. And yeah, they don't even play that song in concert since it'd take 2-3 drummers to do it. REALLY unfair. March of the Pigs is a bitch, too, but that's just one really good drummer--but it's the kind of hard that will feel very rewarding when I can eventually score in the 90s on it, unlike the Perfect Drug, which has no real beat or anything like that. It's just like unlubed anal rape in a drum chart.


kinnonyee February 28 2008, 05:39:08 UTC
I don't know how Xbox Live does things, but it may be possible to delete the track from your saved files area, and download it again if you want it in the future. For the PS3 store, even if we delete the content, it'll still be available from the store as long as we have the same account. (It theoretically allows you to share purchases as well.)


zoopsoul February 28 2008, 19:08:59 UTC
You can do this, actually. But man, that's such a hassle.


liradralyn February 28 2008, 19:57:56 UTC
I hate to say it, but it's tempting to do this. Or I could just buckle down and learn it. Think of how toned my arms would be my the end...


sgreenwell February 29 2008, 07:17:44 UTC
Posts like this make me simultaneously interested and afraid of Rock Band, and even lesser games like Guitar Hero. I have a feeling I'd be into, but first, I'd have to recruit some people from around here to play; the few friends I have that are into VGs are more into Smash Brothers and FPS.


zoopsoul February 29 2008, 09:50:03 UTC
If it's 360, I'd love to play with ya. I go about 10 hours per week on drum practice. It's fun but I've blown so much money on DLC already... I guess it cancels out the purchases I would be making otherwise, though.


zoopsoul February 29 2008, 09:53:27 UTC
Yay for 100 comments in this entry from me!

Just two things, first off a Top 5 leaderboard run of TPD:

The guy that made the vid is, in my opinion, the best RB drummer out there. He battles with a wonky drum kit (think he's on his 10th or 12th set... if EA reports losses, it's that guy drumming), so it should be better. He said it's the hardest song in the game on drums. Eep.

Secondly, what's your gamertag?


liradralyn February 29 2008, 23:17:47 UTC
my gamertag is painapple. I don't have a Gold membership at the moment though :(


zoopsoul February 29 2008, 23:36:33 UTC
k, when you get it, feel free to add me: ZoopSoul


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