Title: All Stories End
Fandom: Harry Potter (AU Future-fic, Ron-centric)
Disclaimer: It's all Rowling's, I'm just playing in her sandbox.
Rating: R (language and adult subject matter)
Spoilers: Through Half Blood Prince, all speculation from there on.
Summary: The story may by over but life won't stop moving forward. Prequel to
Burn My Sins Away.
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Comments 8
This definitely tides me over until 'Deathly Hallows'. (Now is that a place, or a time?)
mmmm, just a couple more months and we'll all know how Jo is really going to finish the story. 'Deathly Hallows' ... it could be a time, place, or, maybe a vegetable? Maybe once I stop seeing the Grim in my tea leaves the aether will reveal it to me. =D
Poor Ron, he tries so hard but he doesn't even know which way he's going, let alone understand that he could get out and ask for directions.
Your use of the 'John and D'Argo' icon is apropos and heartbreaking.
*cries pitiously* *without being able to spell "piteously" even a little bit*
And don't worry, Hermione'll make it through okay. It'll hurt but she's strong and resilient and practical and she'll find a nice boy who loves her as much as she deserves and everything'll be okay.
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