OMG, last night was the most over-stimulating night I've had in a long time. First there was a religious discussion that totally deserves its own post and then there was SVU and Lost.
Lots of you won't get this but some of you will so, (
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Comments 18
And yet, though I'm unmoved, I'm also going, "What? January? WTF?
Generally I just find Kate's pain to be so uninteresting. She's selfish and she bores me. Bleh.
2. OMGWTFBLACKSTALLION: Stupidest plot device ever. Unless they are going to explain later WHY the black horse was important to her. I mean, it didn't keep her from doing anything, or force her into a decision or anything. It just ran into the road and looked Significant, and then gave her an excuse to run around the jungle and get her grundies in a knot and then have a Meaningful Moment with Sawyer (lifted directly from Shannon/Sayid's Previously On... moment) at the end.
3. I do believe Fangirl Central makes it all good.
4. The Vortex guides our path. Did you see Ross as the submissive half of the kinky bondage murderer couple on Bones Monday night?
2. OMGWTFBLACKSTALLION!!! (BTW, that needs an icon;-) I saw someone in the Wilds of LJ remark that she thought it was supposed to be a unicorn and that would make Kate's path to Mary Sue'hood complete.
3. The only thing Fangirl Central is missing is you. And a couple of our other crazy friends. But mostly you.
4. I did see Ross (thank goodness for fangirls with VCRs) but the show is so awful that we ended up ff-ing through most of it. The episode suffered from a severe under use of Our Boy (who has filled out quite nicely. Not quite Our Skinny Li'l Liebgott anymore but that's fine just fine)
But there was a preview for next week's episode! Are they really holding off until January. Gah, I don't think I can stand the torment.
Hee. Jack hauling Shirtless!Sawyer back into his bed was my favorite part of the ep. If ever the internets have imploded from the slashiness.
Kate is a butthead, for lack of a better word. Selfish and stupid, and she really ruined her life, didn't she? That being said, I liked her little conversation with Sayid (and love Sayid in general).
So, what incident do you think Michael started by typing to Walt on the computer?
Kate, Kate, Kate. This episode just confirmed all of the opinions we already had about her.
Sayid can never have enough love. =D
I think it's going to be a crazy incident that might have to do with a full out battle with the Others. Michael's not going to let them keep his son for long, especially now that they have all of those pretty, pretty guns.
Dude, why do they torture us like this. The promos for upcoming stuff were just too good, and we have to wait and wait and wait now. Grr!
I loved that little moment between Jin and Michael when Jin got the handcuff off and walked past Michael. Those two are awesome!
I also loved when Eko said "I'll have to start at the beginning" and then went back thousands of years, and the look on Locke's face as he's listening to the story and wondering WTF?
The actors have been doing such a great job. Lost is effectively spoiling me for any other tv show. It's all about the little moments and the interactions between them.
I have so much love for them all. Except, perhaps, Evangeline but Dom seems to love her so I won't write her off quite yet. ;-)
OMGWTFLILRASCALSAMWISEinAstoria. i mean nothing takes place in Astoria except Don Malarkey lives in it. There's a whole punk-pop-emo album called So Long, Astoria. Jesus!
I swear, after the swirlings of the Vortex that I've experienced this week I will never, ever believe that anything is unconnected ever again. Coincidence? Bah.
He lived on an island with geckos.
He moved into the bunker
Where Locke liked to hunker
And now they are into art deco.
I laughed for 5 minutes when I read this.
You win at life.
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