007 | voice

Jul 29, 2008 11:55

[subdued shaking; slight chattering of teeth; can you hear? the quake of something]

O-Oh, hell.

I think I have a cold.

[more swears, indecipherable somethings (this is not right)]

We're at the hospital. Via taxi? Automobiles have updated, haven't they? I think I need to make you dinner, Caspian. Thank you.

[a sneeze, oh good grief!]

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neither sorted nor unsorted, rather sorted, going to sort it out myself, voice, so do not have this sorted, peter would have this sorted

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voice; geassed July 29 2008, 18:53:11 UTC
...I see.

I'll be there in a bit.

[Aaaand, sup, Ed, Lelouch is at the door, game and a thermos of tea in hand.]


action; lionpassant July 29 2008, 19:04:04 UTC
[Kara's just left. Edmund's getting quite the load of visitors today, isn't he? He doesn't mind. The more the merrier. And they bring sweets, care packages. Certainly. The more, the merrier.

Lelouch's here now. Why, hello there. Isn't he a quick one? Ed straightens up off the bed, gestures for Lelouch to take at seat on it.]

You're equipped.

[He notes, amused.]


Re: action; geassed July 29 2008, 19:13:02 UTC
[A smirk. He puts down the chessboard, pieces securely hidden inside. He hands the thermos to Edmund.] I told you I would be, didn't I?

[He hovers instead of taking a seat.] I don't suppose there are any teacups or mugs around?


action; lionpassant July 29 2008, 19:28:00 UTC
[He gestures to the side. There is still some cutlery there sitting idle. Teacups and the sort. Leftover from another visit earlier? Perhaps. Who knows.]

They're clean.

[Edmund pulls up a box of half-eaten Turkish Delights.]

Taste, and appreciate.


action; geassed July 29 2008, 19:33:58 UTC
[He picks up the tea, takes the thermos and pours the tea. Some for Edmund, some for himself. Edmund isn't so young, but this reminds him of what he used to do with Nunnally, and so he's feeling a bit nostalgic.

He's more generous than usual today, perhaps because of his despair last night. He'll atone for his cruelty to Shirley in this way, perhaps.

He hands Ed a cup, setting his own down on the table to let it cool.] Turkish Delight, was it? [He inquires as he takes one, popping it in his mouth. Surprisingly, it's tasty.]

They're not bad at all.


action; lionpassant July 29 2008, 20:19:23 UTC
Did I not tell you so?

[Edmund's got a grin that's smug and proud and delighted and more. Sometimes being young in body reverts him to being young in mind. He likes people with literal good taste. Those who can appreciate the things he does. Lelouch is one of them. He inclines himself at the tea in thanks, holding it steady in a hand as it cools.]

Better than the custard we had the day before?

[It's not so much a question as it is a reaffirmation of the fact in Edmund's mind.]


action; geassed July 29 2008, 20:36:05 UTC
Yes, I suppose it is.

Though I'm not very interested in sweets, most of the time.

[Not because he doesn't like them; he does. He just ... doesn't eat them often. In fact, his meals are often sporadic. Most of the time, he doesn't notice when he misses dinner or breakfast or lunch.

But he is tired of pizza.]

The tea ought to be all right to drink. [He swallows the remainder of the candy, sips the tea to wash it down. It's the perfect temperature.]


action; lionpassant July 30 2008, 01:58:35 UTC
I'll have you try some others.

[He'll have Lelouch having toothaches in no time. Edmund is not much of a tea drinker. However, he does have the flu so might as well do his sister proud. Susan, Edmund is sure, will encourage hot liquids and bed rest like any good, taught, nurse if she was about.

Edmund takes a sip at the steaming liquid. It's nice. Smooth on the tongue. The sort that doesn't taste like tea even, just, nice, warm. Edmund relaxes against his bed.]

This is rather good. What sort is it?


action; geassed July 30 2008, 02:15:43 UTC
[He leans back in the chair, sipping his own tea again. He blinks, setting his teacup down. After swallowing, he responds:]

Chamomile. It's said to make you a bit sleepy, but it's good for your throat, if it's sore.

[He pauses, eying Edmund a bit suspiciously.] You said you had something of a mishap?


action; lionpassant July 30 2008, 03:06:13 UTC
[He's not sure of chamomile tea by definition. However, camomile by itself, Edmund knows. But chamomile tea? Probably another new invention that came with the sweeping of half a century past into this world. How ingenious the blending of this-and-thats have gone with such time past.

Edmund takes another sip, sets his cup down. Might as well come out with the truth. It's clear to see white lies are getting him nowhere. He also doesn't see the harm in sharing it with Lelouch.]

I fell into ice. [Edmund thinks he's repeated this story a bit too much than he might like.] That cracked through. Which ended with me falling into a lake.


action; geassed July 30 2008, 03:18:29 UTC
[There's a slight wince at the mention of falling through ice. Lelouch has even been shot, pummeled in a Knightmare, and falling through ice sounds terribly painful.] I see. So that's why you've fallen ill.

...Were you in the water for long? [It explains the chattering teeth, the many blankets. He brings his teacup up to his lips again absently.]


Re: action; lionpassant August 7 2008, 22:54:12 UTC
An odd few minutes.

[Edmund runs his hands up and down the hot cup in idle boredom. It brings relief to a body that had gone too cold for too long, in his mind. He pulls the blanket up closer. Dropping in such cold is never fun. He almost wants to advise Lelouch against it, but he has a feeling he doesn't have to.]


action; I'M BAAACKKKK geassed August 10 2008, 16:04:21 UTC
Well, it seems you're better now, at least.

[How stupid, to fall in a lake. But everyone can be afforded some ridiculous mistakes every now and again. Lelouch is guilty of foolishness himself, sometimes.]


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