002 | voice

Jul 18, 2008 09:44

So it's all rather sorted now.

The technology here compared to anywhere I've been at is certainly more advanced. It's interesting. I'm staying with Caspian, Peter and Susan in a flat somewhere. Lucy, where in the bloody bowels of Narnia are you? Three men in one room - it's actually more comfortable than you'dve expect. Thank you, Bree for getting ( Read more... )

rather sorted, voice

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Did someone say market times? treadingdawn July 18 2008, 05:18:46 UTC
[Even Caspian is dressed appropriately for a mundane errand into a marketplace. Too bad it's not the kind of marketplace he's used to but the Telmarine is getting by in his sneakers, jeans, and t-shirt. Hey not to mention that FMIF jacket Claire picked out. He hardly looks like a king, and sometimes Caspian wonders if that's something he should be worried about.]


Did someone say market times? lionrampante July 18 2008, 05:26:54 UTC
[Peter's dressed in his usual for the city, a regular dress shirt and pants. He's chosen not to ask about Caspian's new jacket, after all, it's probably not something Caspian could explain.]

How much did you eat already, Ed?


Oh boys. All the attention you fawn over me, honestly. lionpassant July 18 2008, 05:33:59 UTC
[Edmund doesn't answer. Responds simply by patting Peter brotherly on the back as he makes his way through the lanes, the others falling in-step behind him; in beat.]

Who knows. Probably not enough.

[He gives a lazy shrug, eyes the boxes and various cartoons of assorted items with barely-concealed glee. Oh my. It's certainly going to be a feast tonight.]


WHAT. treadingdawn July 18 2008, 05:39:59 UTC
[Don't let Susan know Claire picked it out. Wearing it makes Caspian feel less naked in that t-shirt okay?]

We will have a full kitchen by the end of the week.

[Caspian smiles easily to the other two. It's true, now that there are two extra stomachs, three because Ed overcompensates, the fridge is likely to get stuffed.]


Wat. lionrampante July 18 2008, 05:44:26 UTC
[Aw Caspian, you player!]

Let's try to buy something healthy, at least? Susan would throw a fit if all we came back with were sweets.

[Says this as he puts in a jar of Nutella.]


WOT. lionpassant July 18 2008, 05:49:54 UTC
[The idea of a full kitchen pleases Edmund to no end.]

Oh, but Peter. Just a few?

[Turns, gives his brother a look. The look. Peter's not immune. Edmund filches a bag of snakes. He doesn't know what it is, but it says 100% sugary-sweet! so he likes it already.]


QUE. treadingdawn July 18 2008, 05:58:48 UTC
[He watches Edmund's attempt at twisting Peter's arm, for candy of all things, and Peter's choice in picking the Nutella. It's a bit endearing, but Caspian isn't going to admit that.]

I do not think either of you have much to worry about.

[Says Caspian with a look up and down both Peter and Edmund. Don't take it the wrong way, he means it innocently Caspian's just a player like that.]


DOVE. lionrampante July 18 2008, 06:03:02 UTC
All right, but not too much. We still need to buy enough for dinner.

[Nutella is a very healthy topping to wheat bread, thank you very much! Peter's more lenient today since it's Edmund's first time out shopping.]

What do you mean by that, Caspian?


LOVEDOVE BBS. lionpassant July 18 2008, 06:08:22 UTC
[The merry grin that jumps to Edmund's face is hard to contain. Seriously. Who can resist? And usually Edmund asks for little. It is only right for Peter to cave at times. He just needs to re-lax. Edmund goes about plucking another packet of snakes off the shelf for fun. Three might be pushing it. Save some for later, Edmund thinks.

Edmund shoots Caspian a sideways glance at his brother's words. Now he's rather curious indeed. What does Caspian mean?]


CHOCOBOS IN NARNIA? treadingdawn July 18 2008, 06:17:56 UTC
[Dios effin' mio. He looks at both of them, balancing an expression of "You don't know?" to Peter and "Don't give me that face." to Edmund. They were both wonderful company, no matter how different they could be.]

Susan does not clean the kitchen. I forbade her.

[Wow Caspian X, really? Really? Yeah, he turns around to busy himself with the label on a can of peaches.]


UH. SNAKES ON A PLANE? lionrampante July 18 2008, 06:25:35 UTC
[Raises an eyebrow as he looks back at Caspian.]

I'm pretty sure she would notice if all we had for dinner were gummies.

[As he says this, he reminds himself of a very important something.]

Whose turn is it to cook?


GOD. YOU GITS. YOU BOTH FAIL. lionpassant July 18 2008, 06:33:09 UTC
[Edmund tosses his brother an exasperated look that says, really?

Honestly. Peter was many things. Brave, valiant, magnificent (as much as Edmund would never admit it to his face) and a wonderful brother. But usually perceptive, not quite. Caspian might have his brother fooled, but not Edmund.

Edmund resists the urge to snicker at what Caspian says. The whole idea of anyone forbidding Susan to do anything is completely beyond him. She probably isn't cleaning the kitchen anymore though. Susan is a bit weak for Caspian as Edmund knows.

He raises a hand wildly at the question however.]

Let me!


SHUT YO' MOUTH BOY. treadingdawn July 18 2008, 06:43:28 UTC
[Caspian is more than glad no one else presses the matter. It was a foolish thing to say, he regrets it. He hopes his response doesn't get back to Susan because really he hadn't forbade her. He asked her nicely.]


[He asks Edmund, turning to face him again this time with a brow arched. Edmund can cook? Ahem, he clears his throat.]

I meant no disrespect. You may try...

[See the crux of this problem is... Caspian sees it as his kitchen, his domain. Except for the cabinet with all the tea things. That belongs to Peter 100%.]


... :( lionrampante July 18 2008, 06:49:41 UTC
[Peter's a bit more direct.]

We've already discussed this Ed. Not this time.

[He's too busy examining shelves to watch the other two's expressions. He doesn't think Caspian would lie about such things, so he feels no reason to doubt his word.]


... >.> lionpassant July 18 2008, 07:02:18 UTC
[Sigh. Really. Peter's no fun, but it's not like he really expected to cook. He just wanted to ask if he can, not that he has any desire to. Maybe they know better from before. Edmund drops his hand, turns around, plucks some more treats from a shelf, hopes Peter doesn't notice. Edmund makes a noise of exaggerated hurt at Peter's expense. It's a languid sigh.]


[Where Caspian's subtle, Peter's direct. It's more of what Edmund's used to.]


... /o/ treadingdawn July 18 2008, 07:18:03 UTC
[Well someone got that sorted so there's no use carrying on about it. Caspian only wonders if Edmund is that bad over an open fire. Can he even manage boiling water?]

We will have paella.

[He declares without consulting them, because he is that confident in his ability to put together a good meal that satisfies all. Caspian has a truly royal palate after all. He ducks into another aisle over that declaration. Needs mushrooms. He prefers them fresh, but that's harder to prepare, so canned it is.]


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