Title: Reflection
Word Count: 1,001
Characters: Cain, Glitch
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine.
Written because of: One of Surr's wacky prompt links. :D ('Poor Man's Pool' to be precise)
Cain took off his hat and rubbed his forearm across his sweaty brow. )
Comments 16
Sweetie, this little, little bitty thing you just tossed off here might be the best thing ever. EVER. I can't even start. SURRR, TALK FOR ME!
♥ ♥ ♥
Oh, GLITCH. With your wisdom and strawberry soda IN THE WATER ON A STRING and your hedge maze trimmer and...and...GAWDS. He's a GENIUS.
To quote the ending to my favorite Quantum Leap episode:
"More misadventures?"
"Adventures, old friend."
*glomps fic posessively* I LOVE YOU.
Thank you, and thank you for the hilarious links, you know where all the good stuff is, you and your lol cats and gallivanting cakes, hehehheee!
Hahahaha. Loved it.
I admit the thought of the Queen replacing Glitch breaks my heart but it is a little delusional to believe that she would keep a glitching headcase as her advisor, no matter how good of friends they were huh? D:
I really like that idea of taking a piece of clover and tossing it into the air then going the way the wind blows it...very deep.
Great job!
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