There are birds singing outside, as though the sun were rising. It is 2:15 a.m. Someone needs to tell them that is not appropriate or the natural order of things, and that it needs to stop. It's confusing the hell out of me.
So I saw two movies in the last two days. Yesterday, The Fountain, and today, Pan's Labyrinth.
I will ramble, and might give a couple minor things away, but mostly this is about me because I'm boring like that. )
Comments 10
I both liked and disliked Pan's Labyrinth. I downloaded while it was still in theatres (though it wasn't here) and still have it on my harddrive. I've never rewatched it. I liked the story, the concept, the pure ouch feeling of the ending (cause I might be sadistic or something, but I like stories in which the endings hurt). I really didn't like the portrayal though. Honestly, I could have done without someone going graphics happy and showing some of those scenes.
WOOO FICTION. I'd love to see some of that. :D
I guess I had a similar reaction to Pan's Labyrinth. On an intellectual level, I liked it, because it was so intelligent and well-conceived/executed, but on a gut level... god I hated it. And I definitely didn't need to see some of that. I'm also a fan of the ouch ending, but those ambiguous, maybe it's not really an ouch endings sort of make me cranky.
Fiction didn't come together as planned >_>; Soon though<3
Pan's Labyrinth umm even if it has 3 academy awards.. I dunno ^^; the monsters... not my thing if its violent lol~
I'm the same about violence... it upsets my stomach =/
Hugh Jackman. ♥ He's always so amazing.
And oh Hugh Jackman. LOVE LOVE LOVE. sigh.<3 Definitely see the Fountain for the Jackman content.
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