(no subject)

Jan 14, 2010 20:46


donate and help haiti!
thanks to driftingaway for the banner

In light of the tragedy in Haiti (for more info, see below~), lion_lamb has decided to host an auction in support of the organizations trying to help the relief effort! If you want to donate money and bid for Edward/Bella fanfic, graphics, icons, gifs, anything at all that's offered--you've come to the right place. :) (Graphics, gifs, etc. for different fandoms is okay if the maker says so, though~ we're not picky, this is for a good cause. Try to keep fanfic E/B or Twilight-centric though.)

The biggest earthquake in the Haitian area in 200 years happened on Tuesday, killing tens of thousands of people and leaving even more injured and without clean water, food, medical help, or supplies. Homes, schools, hospitals, buildings, and lives were destroyed. For more information about the crisis in Haiti, you can read more here.

This'll be a lot like our requests posts, or the fun gifting ones we have sometimes, only you're going to bid for what you want, and then pledge to donate money for the relief to any charity/humanitarian organization sending aid to Haiti. For lists of charities and humanitarian organizations involved, check here at ONTD and here at CNN.

Remember: every little bit counts!

1. For different offers, fill out the form and comment again. (For example, if you're offering gifs, and you want to offer fanfic, comment again.)
2. Starting bids must be at least a dollar, and bids must be raised by at least a dollar.
3. Whatever you're offering, remember to say the word count/rating or how many icons, etc. somewhere in your offer comment.
4. If you win, donate that amount to the charity/humanitarian organization of your choice!

how to offer
fill out the form below and comment.

the deadline for bidding is january 20th!
After the bids are in, we'll have another post for all the winnings to be posted January 20th. All graphics, fics, etc. should be finished and sent by January 26th. The winners will be asked to comment back with a screencap proving you donated the amount agreed on. :) We'll be reminding you!

other fundraising in fandom:
Twifans for Haiti: Donate at least $5 to a charity of your choice to help Haiti, and you will receive a compilation of varying length pieces (not necessarily lemony, not necessarily TwiFic) from participating authors, or you can participate as an author. :)
help_haiti: Bid on fics, fanvids, icons, and graphics to donate.
tell us if you have an addition to this list!

other donations can go the the organizations listed at these links:
Donate specifically to Haiti relief through the Red Cross
tell us if you have an addition to this list!

!haiti auction

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