Since the Holiday season is upon us, we thought it would be nice to have a sort of virtual holiday card post.
You can leave your wishes for another member/group of members/the community here in either a graphic (like our previous
secret posts), or as basic text if you don't have access to photoshop/paintshop etc, and they will then be posted on the 24th of December!
Wishes can either be signed or given anonymously. An anon submission post will be made on our other community,
bestoftruelove. Signed submissions should be left in this post. Comments will be screened.
+ No huge graphics, please. We won't be adding a size limit, but we'd rather things weren't so big that they take ages to load.
+ No hate. It should go without saying, really.
+ Please submit your wishes before the 23rd of December!
If there are any questions, leave them here and we'll get back to you!
We also have other things planned for the Holiday season, so if this isn't your thing, keep an eye out for our other plans!