Beta Requests.

Mar 28, 2009 14:30

beta requests.

We have a lot of authors requesting betas in the community and just to make it a little easier we wanted to put together a post where authors can post when they need help and hopefully someone can come to their assistance. So if you're up to beta-ing and feel like helping out, please look through the authors who comment to this post!

authors, please fill this out to request a beta:

What kind of fics do you write?:
Do you have a fic currently in progress that needs a beta?
How often do you update?:
What kind of beta are you looking for? (Purely grammatical or some concrit too?):
Strong/weak points of writing?:
What rating is your fic/what ratings do you write?:
Sample of writing (50-100 words)/links to fanfic:

If you would like to apply to be a beta, please refer to this post. Authors can check that post out to see if they can find a beta who will suit all their needs!

Questions? Don't be afraid to ask.

!official beta requests

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