[They're quieter in the morning. Restless, but still waking from years of reluctant sleep. Still only shadows.
It's the afternoon that stirs them. They've been there all along, thinking and dreaming of you. You, who took their lives and stole their homes.
This is not where you belong. Get out.The slow stiffness of death haunts their movements as
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And yet, the room is still.]
These voices .. where were they coming from?]
Who's .. who is there?
--elp us--
--you're not our nati--
--Cossack scum--
--Please save u--
[Your arm is suddenly grasped by an invisible hand.]
His face stays still for the moment because after all, it's nothing. Just ghosts; no matter what they say they can't hurt--]
... !!
[The minute he feels the hand grab on, he's up onto his feet, pipe swinging out instinctively
--trying to hurt us!--
--'s all he ever really does--
[The hands are getting even grabbier now. Your scarf, your coat, all of them are being grabbed and pulled.]
--I wonder if countries bleed--
--guilty guilty guilty--
He jumps backwards, struggling to free himself from his invisible assailants. Is it just him or does the room feel tiny? Is he surrounded?
His arm swings in all directions, trying to ward off the voices.]
Play nice, you all need to-. I .. What do you want?
[A men steps out from the shadows. He's handsome and dressed rather poorly, staring at you with the same insanely pleasant eyes you've used on so many others.
He's also holding an axe.]
Still lost in his struggle, Russia fails to notice the ghost at first. But when he does, he knows.
His face mirrors his would-be executioner, his grip on his faucet as tight as the one the other has on his axe. There's a tremor, just the slightest running through his body as he comes face to face with the ghost. ]
So, you are the one behind all this .. da?
The axe ghost just stares at him calmly.]
I'm behind nothing. I'm only here to fix an error. Kill an idea, so to speak.
[He steps closer. His mouth twitches into the barest smile. It's not without a twinge of insanity.]
You won't be missed.
When his back reaches the wall he can only look on, hands raised to attempt a block however futile it may be, eyes steely as he talks back]
So this is .. the end of me, da?
[The ghost looks feverish now, the smile gone as he races towards you. The axe is raised.
And he strikes you on the head with the blunt end. It's not quite hard enough to be fatal, or even for you to lose consciousness yet, but you'll be in quite a lot of pain for a while. The man looks stares at you in contempt.]
It'd be useless. I can't kill what's already dead. You don't even know the pain of guilt, do you? Madness poisoned any humanity you had long ago.
[The hands are pinning you to the wall now. The man grabs your scarf and pulls it down to expose your neck.]
So we're the same. The only difference is that you have to endure the motions of living. I can fix that.
[And with that, he takes the sharp edge of the axe and draws it across your throat, just on the surface of the skin.]
[And before he can even block, he's struck. And stumbling down and back and suddenly he's pinned. Everything feels like a blur of pain and struggling and he's sure that the strike must've done quite a number on him because he can't focus, can't feel the hands holding him up until another joins them in pulling his scarf down. He begins thrashing, the anger inside him growing as he moves as much as he's able to.]
[He lets out something like a choked cry as the blade draws blood and his arm shoots out to push it and the ghost as far away as he can.]
But he doesn't swing.
He actually backs away, slowly fading as he does so. The ghost's voice is calm and not without a twinge of disgust.]
No. You don't need me. You're doing a good enough job killing yourself.
[He fades. The hands let go. You're left alone with the chanting, muted whispers of the other voices. They'll keep chattering all night long, the same quiet, broken tone repeated again and again.]
You don't know anything.
[He's actually enraged enough to swing at the fading ghost again, despite the fact that it passes right through again. As the ghost fades, he drops to his knees, laughing and sure that he must have driven the other being away. Until he hears the voices that remain, that is.]
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