All Con Drama is Bad Drama

May 29, 2012 22:06

Lol, LJ people who have been reading this blog since like five years ago: you will probably remember the dumb cunt of an ex best friend I used to have who really fucked me over back then. I love how just when I think I'm over it enough to not give two flying fucks about her, she still manages to make my life difficult from beyond the grave, as it ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

stripedpetunia May 30 2012, 04:04:33 UTC
Jesus christ, just ditch them all. Do you even associate with most of those high school asshats anymore?


link_worshiper May 30 2012, 13:10:57 UTC
That's the thing, I do! Three out of five, I'm on great terms with (though I'm a little annoyed with one on how he dealt with the whole situation), one I'm on speaking terms with and the other is the dumb bitch. What fucking makes me livid is that I'm here trying to make it so everyone can hang out with everyone, and then she undercuts me with a magical hotel room I am pretty sure she must have booked recently, because half the reason I thought to invite them in the first place was because last week, apparently, they were still looking. I'm pissed that the group will elect to go with her instead of telling her that she is invited to go with the rest of us and it's up to her if she doesn't want to. And then they wonder why I feel sidelined and hurt about the whole sitch.


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link_worshiper May 31 2012, 01:02:49 UTC
I guess the idealist in me wishes everyone valued friendship the same way I do, or that everyone in a situation like this gets equal treatment. But at least I called out the bullshit. Part of me feels bad because I was kind of raging at the wrong person, but I think it's fucked up how they always justify treating me the way they do, or at least without thinking about how I feel in the whole situation. It's funny, because earlier today, I realized that if I was dying in a ditch, I would probably call one of my boyfriend's friends to help me before I called any of them. Goes to show what spot they are earning on the friendship pole. I try not to be bitter anymore, but it's hard to not sound that way when you're standing your ground.


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link_worshiper May 31 2012, 12:51:03 UTC
Hahahaha, the stars must have been trying to drop me a hint, because that song was on the radio when I walked into an H&M for about five minutes yesterday, lol. You're right, though... the ones that earn the friendship can keep it, but if the rest are going to act that way, then fuck them, and if they're butthurt about it, then maybe they can think about what they did. (The one guy who told me that they weren't staying with me and my friend gave me this giant speech about how he takes it seriously when someone says he's being a bad friend. I sure hope he's thinking about it long and hard.) I guess I see some of my boyfriend's friends... his roommate has been his friend since middle school, and his other best friend has known him since they were in elementary school. And it's like, 'Wow, it's so great you have good friends like that! You're lucky you found them.' I guess at the same time I should also remember some of his other super tight friends are people he's met recently so time doesn't make a difference... Still, though.... you'd ( ... )


adaina June 1 2012, 03:47:01 UTC
*hugs* I've learned over the years that you can only put so much into a friendship and if they aren't giving around the same back then it's time to ditch them because all that's going to happen is you are the one who is going to get hurt. I know this from experience. It's why I don't give so much of myself anymore (except for a few people like you) because I've been burned so many times. I love that you are the way you are! It's one of the reasons we have one of those friendships that lasts even when we can't talk for a while but these people are hurting you and that makes me want to break out the baseball bat on them. It gets to the point where enough is enough. If they want to be friends with you it's time that they started doing something about it instead of you. That's just the way I feel anyway. I think you have every right to be upset about this situation. Know that you do have friends who love you dearly. *more hugs and snoogles*


link_worshiper June 1 2012, 12:41:52 UTC
Seriously. I try to end friendships when they start to stress me out. I told the friend who had been giving me the run-around that it was fucked up that he allowed one person the run the friendship dynamic, and that the choice should have been with her to choose if she should go with us or not, instead of taking everyone and not considering my feelings at all. She has gotten to have them at Otakon since 2008, and it's not fair she gets the jump on asking them every year for the next year since I never see them unless by chance at the convention. There is only one who is worth a damn in that group anymore, and we'll see how that goes, since she tends to just avoid all confrontation as much as possible. I'm glad I stood up for myself and let them know exactly how I feel. I don't even give a shit that I might have hurt the one friend's feelings, because weather he realizes it or not, I think he has allowed the bitch's opinions to sway his opinion about me and how I handled everything. Like, he's there like, 'Oh well we've seen you a lot ( ... )


bloodywingz June 1 2012, 12:39:55 UTC
*hugs* These are obviously people you shouldn't invest your emotions in. I'd suggest you treat them like a customer. Smile, wave, then move on to the next person. *hugs again* Hopefully you'll fill your spots quickly and with some awesome people.


link_worshiper June 1 2012, 12:43:42 UTC
Yeah, that's probably a good plan. If the one guy who was giving me the run around wants to sit and feel bad about it, then maybe he has to sit and do some thinking about what it means to be a friend.


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