New fic comm

Jan 25, 2016 12:43

Hi everyone, I've made a new comm specifically for posting fanfiction and normal fiction that you've written in any language that's not your native one: langfic

Really any language, as in even a language you've made up yourself, or a language used only in some novel you read. You can ask for corrections but you don't have to. Likewise, you can post a ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

dorsetgirl January 25 2016, 12:26:56 UTC
This sounds great! I don't write much nowadays, but this might be an incentive to get back to it and have a go in Spanish!


ringlat January 25 2016, 12:31:19 UTC
Please do! Or come drag in some of your friends!

I don't write much anymore either, but if you see it as language practise you stop thinking about what you "want" to write and start thinking what you "can" write, plot and characterization are thrown out the window simply because it's impossible anyway haha! With any luck it kicks you into writing more in your own language too.


garonne January 25 2016, 21:08:21 UTC
Very cool idea for a comm. It reminds me of all that Star Trek fanfic I used to write in German as a kid... even though I had to get the dictionary out for every second word!


ringlat January 25 2016, 22:18:07 UTC
Wow, that's way more determined than me haha! If you have any of those childhood fics still around be sure to post them ; D

My wife has a Pokemon one from back when she was a kid called "Pidgey and the Magic Toilet", she peppered it with as many English words as she knew at the time...


orpheus_samhain January 29 2016, 07:10:34 UTC
What do you mean by "foreign language"? Foreign for whom? the members of this comm are from all over the world.


ringlat January 29 2016, 13:41:54 UTC
Foreign for you, the writer. If your first language is English you can't post a story you wrote in English, if it's German it can't be German, etc.

I thought it was pretty clear but I guess not, I'll edit the post details, thanks!


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