french radio

Apr 19, 2012 18:14

Hello everyone! I was wondering if anyone can help find out a website, wich i belieeve it was from french radio station, it had some language courses and such as ferch, polish, german among others. The website helps you learn through a story about a girl who is running away or something, it was king of a Mission Imposible situation. I had it ( Read more... )

radio, french, language

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Comments 2

echoandsway April 20 2012, 04:05:10 UTC
Are you thinking of

I don't know about the storyline you're talking about, but they're chockfull of French (and other language) learning resources.

Ed: Shoulda checked the site first; there, on the "langue francaise" page is a thing called "Mission Europe" which looks like exactly what you're talking about. It's RFI.


deftonsita April 20 2012, 05:46:04 UTC
yes!! that is the one, thank you so much!


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