
Jul 30, 2011 09:02

Last semester, I took a socioling course at my Uni (low level, easy credits and GPA booster, as well as being my field of interest) and ended up doing a presentation on swearing. As a point of interest, and just for flavour, I'd done an informal online survey of as many people as I could find. One of the questions was "What's the worst swear word ( Read more... )

sociolinguistics, taboos, vocabulary, personal

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Comments 72

brujaoscura July 30 2011, 21:17:00 UTC
Also another favorite- I tell someone that people are in dire need of a rectal-cranial inversion- to get their head out of their ass...


illustratedjai July 30 2011, 22:09:34 UTC
(Harrumph. Stupid Internet eating comments!)

I do love that one - it's one I've seen around, but never fails to make me grin.

A younger me also favoured "Jesus Christ on a Pogo Stick."

And 'historical' curses are just the bomb diggity. (Er...) They're just amazing and give a person's spoken language so much flavour~~

...FISH DICK. 8DDDDDDD (New curse word of the day.)


brujaoscura July 30 2011, 22:40:53 UTC
It is even better when spit out in Italian.... with GREAT emphasis


illustratedjai July 30 2011, 22:41:58 UTC
That sounds absolutely glorious! :D


debikm July 30 2011, 22:27:07 UTC
Being the only child of a Navy retiree (22 years active duty), my swear exposure is widely varied. I have had to censor myself at work and substitute my usual foul language with milder epithets since the department chief HATES swearing. But, when able to let fly AND very annoyed I tend to spew a string of words, a favorite being "Goddamnedmotherfuckingpieceofshit!"

Conversely, however, when driving and confronted by some idiot on their cellphone/not paying attention/yapping/texting, at 70 mph, I've been known to wave merrily and yell "Hi, how ya doing?!"

On the variations of using Jesus Christ as an expletive, my personal favorites are "Christ on a pony", and "Jesus Christ on a bike." A friend used to grumble "Cheese and rice!" Took me awhile to catch on...

Since I'm from the Southern US, I have heard some very interesting and creative uses of profanity. I'm fond of the creative threats and descriptions from the South.


illustratedjai July 30 2011, 22:33:20 UTC
Nice! I'll bet that would've been a really awesome way to see a lot of different places too! (Also, well done on your 'rent's part. That's a long time and a lot of work.)

It's always fun, isn't it, to, when someone expects a curse, smile and wave cheerfully~

I think I need to start collecting the "Christ on/in a ____" ones! There're so many options~

Could you, perhaps, provide examples~~~? *hopeful*


rirakuma July 31 2011, 10:43:35 UTC
This is another Jesus Christ related one, I don't think it's been mentioned yet.

"Jesus titty-fucking Christ! What the (insert colourful phrasing of your choice) are you playing at!" - usually used whilst driving :)

For me, swearing when expressing annoyance about a particular person tends to follow the pattern "expletive(adjective) expletive(noun)"

Eg cock-eyed twat, cunt-faced bastard, mother-fucking whore etc


illustratedjai August 2 2011, 15:13:40 UTC

I feel like I should be madly scribbling notes about all this...


psyanide July 30 2011, 23:00:30 UTC
Yay sociolinguistics!

I sort of get the feeling that 'cunt' is still maybe kinda one of the last few really 'taboo' swear words but being the only female in my department I've actually learned to use it almost liberally.

It helps that the word has sort of been desensitised in Australia and New Zealand (and the UK, or so the internet would have me believe) and can be used in an almost positive way like he/she's a good cunt as well as being really vulgar. Depends on how you use it!


psyanide July 30 2011, 23:07:13 UTC
Oh, and when my boss pisses me off I like to write 死仆街 about him and he won't know I'm calling him a fucking asshole in Cantonese!


angelachristian July 31 2011, 00:54:09 UTC
Really interesting , the main swear words in German are "ass" and "shit" or "damn". We use "shit on it" when Americans would say "screw it/fuck it". There is no sexual connotation in those words used in every day swearing; "fuck" translated as "ficken" is a vulger word for the neutral expression "to have sex".
I think, there is a difference between words that you use to insult a person like "asshole", "ass with ears"...and a word that is used to swear ( often an exclamation), which is supposed to express anger when something goes wrong.


illustratedjai August 2 2011, 15:17:50 UTC
To me both the word used to insult a person and the word used in anger are 'swear' words (tho' often these days I use the phrase 'curse words') given a swear word is a generally sort of frowned upon word if used in polite company. (In my research for my presentation, I got answers like "A word I wouldn't say in front of my mum" to "any word that's insulting" as answers to the question of what a swear word is.)


dncingmalkavian July 31 2011, 00:31:07 UTC
I am extremely fond of the word "fuck" and also compounding it, like "shitfucker" or "unclefucker" or what have you.

I use the word for a variety of purposes - I love it because it can be used for every part of speech with the exception of prepositions.

Some of my favorite things to say:

Fuckin' A (when irritated)
Fuck balls (also when irritated)
Fuck you, you fucking fuck
Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck
Fuck me sideways and call me Sally (for when I'm pissed but want to be funny)
Christ on a fucking crutch
Fuck you, asshat
Go fuck a goat
Go fuck yourself

....and so on.

If you are really interested in the word "fuck," there is a book called "The F Word" that, in dictionary form, illustrates every recorded use of the word, and believe me, some of the words in there are seriously creative.


One more thing I say regularly is dncingmalkavian July 31 2011, 00:33:41 UTC
"Hell in a fucking handbasket" or "Go to hell in a handbasket."


Re: One more thing I say regularly is illustratedjai August 2 2011, 15:19:41 UTC
Fuck is an incredibly useful word. It's a noun, a verb, an adjective (in fucking)... And besides which it just sounds good coming off the tongue.

(I actually have a theory that most swear words are swear words because of how they sound more than what they mean.)


Re: One more thing I say regularly is dncingmalkavian August 4 2011, 00:37:53 UTC
That's an interesting theory. I think it might be a combination of both, now that I consider it.


dcseain July 31 2011, 02:22:24 UTC
"G-d-damned son-of-a-bitch bastard, cock-sucking whore master" learned from my mother, who learned it from her grandmother that spoke Slovak and Hungarian as her first languages.


illustratedjai August 2 2011, 15:19:53 UTC
That is glorious.


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