Daydreaming, linguaphile-style.

Nov 21, 2010 20:39

 Just for fun and linguistic self-indulgence ( Read more... )

fun, linguaphile-ness

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Comments 40

tom_mouse November 22 2010, 01:53:08 UTC
Too many.
Japanese, Korean, Russian, Icelandic, one of the Ancient Mesopotamian languages, Xhosa (for fun), Arabic...



mmm_words November 22 2010, 02:11:53 UTC
Proto-Indo-European. Just kidding. Sort of.
Seriously, though, Arabic tops my list purely for aesthetic reasons. I like the way it sounds and the way it looks. I know it's kind of shallow, but I'm consoling myself with the nerdiness of the subject matter. I'd also be interested in languages with uncommon features - geocentric directions, for example. And tonal languages! In my few, miserable attempts at tonal languages, I have failed miserably. Or Pirahã, speaking of tonal languages.

In short, too many. Far too many.


manifestress November 22 2010, 02:00:47 UTC


kali_kali November 22 2010, 02:30:27 UTC
Study to fluency? German or Russian, for career reasons.

Though if I could wake up one morning and be fluent in spoken and written Cantonese, that would be fantastic. I'm a bit wary of how much work that is going to take in terms of actual study though.


mmm_words November 23 2010, 00:35:11 UTC
I can see what you're saying. I chose to write study, though, because I think there's a certain amount of joy inherent to learning a new mode of communication, and as tempting as it would be for me, I personally wouldn't want to bypass the process.

If I went with the magically waking up thing, though, Cantonese would be on that list. Definitely.


eastertheatre November 22 2010, 02:46:31 UTC
Czech. I'm not sure why, maybe it's my Eastern European heritage.


embryomystic November 22 2010, 02:55:32 UTC
In my more fanciful moments: Sanskrit, Old Irish, Lojban, Láadan, Navajo. I actually have a fair bit of Old Irish vocabulary under my belt, and I understand the phonology of Old Irish and Láadan fairly well, but I couldn't put together a sentence in any of these.


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