Jul 01, 2006 18:16
Prompted by the recent question about Dutch diminutives --
In German, phrases without any other words to introduce the time expression ("on"/"in"/etc., which necessitate a different case) always take accusative case.
=> "last Friday" (letzten Freitag; ACC) vs. "on last Friday" (am letzten Freitag; DAT)
=> "this week" (diese Woche; ACC) vs. "in this week" (in dieser Woche; DAT)
Apparently Arabic uses accusative case when the time expression isn't otherwise marked too. As does Slovenian. And I want to say that what first sparked my investigations was a linguistics class handout on Japanese that showed the same phenomenon. (Though a check with a Japanese-speaking friend indicates that "ni" is actually the marker, which isn't usually considered accusative.)
So: In the languages you know, which case do time expressions without prepositions take?