
Jan 27, 2009 01:05

First, the link. *bam!*

But, behind the cut, the relevant part:

Oooh what? )

backstreet: nick, general: glee, general: funny stuff

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Comments 12

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linear_flower January 27 2009, 16:15:45 UTC
Six Degrees of Paris Hilton by Mark Ebner


thewolfmistress January 27 2009, 13:54:30 UTC
What exactly happened? I mean, obviously Nick never hit her. That much was clear when she appeared with a couple of bruises and not torn apart as would actually happen if a man of his size (ooh, pardon the pun) were to release his anger on a skinny little thing like her. I always thought she just didn't want to throw out the allegations. I never thought she started them. What a bitch.

Btw, I never asked you, what cd were you talking about with the BSB remixes?


linear_flower January 27 2009, 16:18:08 UTC
I don't know the exact story since they don't have an excerpt from it about that, I'd have to get the book myself.

As for the remixes, I was gonna Tweet them to you but I thought it was one zip. All the songs are individually uploaded (and they're just Panic and Nowhere to Go remixes)


thewolfmistress January 27 2009, 16:20:30 UTC
Hmm, that would be an interesting thing to know.

Where did you get them? Maybe I can find them...


linear_flower January 27 2009, 16:23:05 UTC
A friend sent them to me, and I think she found them on LiveDaily.


forgethissmile January 27 2009, 15:07:58 UTC
I have no issues with weed. I have issues with weed abuse (it's the exact same way I feel about alcohol, because, shit, they're really one in the same if you think about it). I'm cool if he was a pot smoker, as long as he wasn't a full-out pothead.

Oh, but the truth finally getting out...oh it makes me so happy. Paris Hilton is queen of making situations/scenarios for the paparazzi to take shots of, and I hate everything that that "woman" stands for.

And the hung as a horse thing, well, I need to um *ahem* see this firsthand or *cough* experience it firsthand before I can believe it... but I'm *mm-hmm* willing to step up and conduct the experiment as soon as Nick is *cough* available. =)


linear_flower January 27 2009, 16:22:35 UTC
With the pot thing... I'm hoping for the best and expecting the worst from that man, lol. I'm sure he wasn't a full on abuser, I just wanted to say it as a possibility.

I know! Me too. I actually came across this on a different site and there were two comments: the first was a whiny, Chris Crocker-esque "Leave Nick out of this! He has enough problems! BSB fans don't want to read this!" (to which I wanted to say that Nick is not perfect, and this isn't anything too damning, grow up) and the second was "BSB fans may not want to read it, but there is a tidbit they might want to read: the book says Nick didn't hit her"

I don't know... this isn't the first time he's been said to be a "big boy," if you know what I mean.


forgethissmile January 27 2009, 17:55:18 UTC
Haha knowing Nick's party habits? He probably was a wicked pothead. Which is sad. I see it in the same light as drunkards and over-partiers, but it's still an unfavorable light.

And I've definitely heard stories, especially from fans who basically (basically? by the laws of America they actually) molest him.


linear_flower January 27 2009, 21:53:30 UTC
Yeah you're probably right. The silver lining, however, is knowing that is pretty much behind him. (He still has wild nights, but I'm pretty sure they're not half as wild as they used to be.)

(I'm also, obviously, not gonna play the "*fingers in ears* La la la I'm ignoring it so it didn't happen and Nick is a perfect little good boy!" game. Cause it did happen. And he's not perfect.)*

*This mostly relates to the comment on the entry where I first saw this that was the commenter going, "Leave Nick out of this! BSB fans don't wanna hear this!" I wanted to reply, "Maybe not but you probably should so you can get out of your little fantasy world. Nick's not 19 anymore. He's done stupid shit. And yes, I'm a huge fan of his myself."


citruslover January 28 2009, 04:36:05 UTC
What the...? This entire post is freaking hilarious! Thank you so much for posting this! LOL I have no comment on Nick's, uh, attributes. *snort* But the part about Paris smuggling weed into Mexico cracked. me. up. Not to mention her filming herself at her grandmother's funeral. Slapstick comedy right there. I need to find this book. :)

Oh yeah, and the part about him not hitting her... FINALLY! This needs to be spread far and wide.


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