About time...

Nov 23, 2008 04:16

I finally succumbed to the 24 hour long nausea spell my body's been fighting to overcome ( Read more... )

erika is: pathetic, general: breakdown, erika is: crazy as fuck

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Comments 14

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linear_flower November 23 2008, 18:57:20 UTC
Yeah, I know. I know.

And what gets me, you know, is that I'm over the whole concert being canceled deal. I'm still worried about him.


tarhisie November 23 2008, 20:35:43 UTC
I hate to see you so down like this, but I have to say that you should not be feeling like this over someone you've never even met and isn't a part of your life, other than the music you listen to.

It makes sense to be worried about him on some level; purely a fan level... not as a "lover." And no, I would not, even on a technical level, say you're in a relationship with him. That makes absolutely no sense. I'm sorry.

Just take it easy for a while. You deserve to smile.


istytehcrawk November 23 2008, 20:58:56 UTC
I have to agree with everything in this comment.


linear_flower November 23 2008, 21:02:11 UTC
Reading it now that I've gotten some sleep and been able to clear my head, even just a little, it does sound a little stalkerish.

The things that spew from my fingers at 4am. :\


kathy517 November 23 2008, 22:57:42 UTC
I don't puke when James is sick, does that make me a terrible girlfriend?


linear_flower November 24 2008, 00:28:01 UTC
No... I never implied that... I...

Oh God I've gotten myself into a huge mess with this entry.


kathy517 November 24 2008, 01:19:11 UTC
No, I was just answering the question "Is this what a relationship feels like?"


linear_flower November 24 2008, 01:49:38 UTC


bluegarnet November 24 2008, 00:20:35 UTC
I know I'm a little late to this party, but I have to agree with what everyone else has said. Plus, I'm sure that after tonight's show, that stubborn workaholic will scoot his hot ass straight into bed and stay there for a couple days. *nods*


linear_flower November 24 2008, 00:27:36 UTC
Well he'll have no choice. He has nothing else to do.


bluegarnet November 24 2008, 01:34:10 UTC
This is true.


linear_flower November 24 2008, 01:49:59 UTC


hey_sweetbaby November 24 2008, 08:30:16 UTC
I saw them perform tonight in LA and Nick was PERFECTLY fine....honestly. I didn't even know he had been sick....saw him tonight, and he had more energy and happiness than I'd ever see him have. So no more worrying!!


linear_flower November 24 2008, 08:35:09 UTC
Yeah I've already heard reports from tonight's show. Kicking myself for not being more assertive and telling my aunt we need to go lol.

The whole situation just has me wound in knots: the fact he was sicker than shit, the fact my show was canceled, the fact that Jive/management isn't doing anything about it.


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