Okay so, I figured I could/should/would do this.

Nov 01, 2008 22:15

A.K.A. - Wow I am crazy.

Well, as you know I'm already doing NaNoWriMo (there's still a few hours to get on that filter), and it looks like I won't make my required minimum word count already (I've been feeling blah - time of the month - and slept all day) but we'll see if something just comes to me. But, you see... what I was getting at is that I ( Read more... )

general: election, internet: facebook, real life: family, internet: other sites/blogs, fandom-related: fanworks, erika is: fangirl, real life: men and dating, internet: myspace, writing: alerian chronicles, fandom: ben 10, fandom: reaper, holiday: halloween, real life: girl stuff, fandom: backstreet boys, backstreet: as quartet, real life: work

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Comments 3

nick_xxx November 2 2008, 05:24:46 UTC
hmm I might want to get added to the filter... What are you writing about bb?


linear_flower November 2 2008, 05:25:40 UTC
Alien mpreg ala TS2. :)


nick_xxx November 2 2008, 05:44:28 UTC
sure add me to the filter :P


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