[A poker-faced individual who looks like he just walked out of a black-and-white movie (possibly one about mad scientists) is wandering the corridors. Occasionally he'll stop and try a door, linger outside just long enough to figure out what the room contains, then shuts the door and goes back to stalking the halls.]
[So far, he hasn't said a word;
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Oddly enough, this wouldn't be the first time she's been caught starkers though due to that unusual ability of hers before she was shown how to actually stop that from happening. Oddly though the thought hasn't occured to her to use that ability right now.]
[They're not too far from her room actually.]
Where are you from anyway?
As for my origins, nowhere near here, I'm sure. Which I believe renders it rather irrelevant.
I'm sure if wound up here instead of me he'd be treating the residents pretty much the same way.
[Woah, hold up Saft! Remember about learning how to respect other people's quirks and such? Yes. GET TO IT.] A-A not that you treat people a certain way! I just meant-!
I have been told I am too reserved.
Well here we are! Are you sure you don't want me to wash your jacket for you before I give it back?
...If you have the facilities.
I don't intend to be a bother. It depends on whether you feel secure in the knowledge I would be walking around in a jacket you had been wearing against your skin.
And on whether or not you're clean.
No offense intended.
[Opens the door to her place, which appears to be a very messy appartment, Clothes all over the place, unwashed dishes that sort of thing. Without her uncle around to make sure she follows the rules and such she's just kind of taking things at her own pace. Proceed at your own cost!]
And you'd be right, I'll admit...
[And off she goes into a spare room to find some freaking comfortable clothes and of course to put Corv's jacket in the washing machine. Maybe it'll be a good idea for her not to throw in any reds in there today.]
[He glances around, but despite what any casual individual would do, he remains standing.]
[In the centre of the room.]
[One hand sneaks up to rest on his other arm. He's feeling pretty uncomfortable right now and it's entirely his own fault.
Ten minutes later or so Saft appears back into the room where her guest is fully clothes, in a white vest and blue jeans.]
Much better! Thanks for waiting.
[This goes on for some time.]
[As in a worryingly long time.]
I finally get dressed and I'm less nude and all you can say is "Ah"?
I apologise.
I just.
Am not entirely secure in the knowledge.
That this is my colour.
[Pink coat time? Pink coat time.]
[And then she sees what she's done.]
OH! OH MY-...
[She musn't laugh. She musn't laugh and yet the most she can manage to stop herself from laughing out loud is covering her mouth and snorting just a little.]
I-I'm so sorry, Let me see if I can fix it!
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