Wed, 17:36: RT @ mmfa: Fox contributor Scott Brown joins other right-wing hucksters as he rents out his email list to sell shady products.…
Wed, 17:39: You know what I'm tired of? People thinking that it's okay to comment on other people's weight. Just STFU, and GTO of my face pls.
Sun, 18:35: RT @ lindenashby: Phill Hoffman found dead in his apartment… No no no no, I've know him since he was in acting school.
Sun, 18:36: RT @ Ornyadams: NO!!!!!!!!!!! “@ nypost: Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead in his apartment of an apparent drug overdose: cops http://t…
Thu, 12:21: RT @ lindenashby: Seems to me that J Bieber could use a parental figure in his life who's not his friend and not on his payroll. Tough situa…
Sun, 00:40: RT @ dailydot: “Can there please be an online exchange where trans boys can give their old clothes to trans girls and vice versa?” http://t.…
Fri, 17:24: RT @ Jesus_M_Christ: My fucking dad screamed at me for leaving the door open. "Were you born in a barn!" YES! As a matter of fact I WAS, AS…