I'm actually kind of pathetic

Mar 24, 2012 23:37

I built a trap the night I discovered the mouse, which I later refined. My hatred of killing was temporarily subsumed by my love for DIY projects- it was easy to get involved and forget I was essentially planning to drown the mouse. Now it's clear that bucket trap has failed- the mouse is too light to make the cylinder spin, so he doesn't fall in ( Read more... )

apartment, mouse

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Comments 7

thirdbird_fic March 25 2012, 04:07:30 UTC
There are non-kill traps that work fairly well! I had quite a catch-and-release program going on in my apartment last summer.

(Also, hi, I have added you!)


lindentreeisle March 25 2012, 04:14:32 UTC
I know, but the question is, where am I supposed to release this mouse? I live in the middle of the city, and anywhere I release it it's likely to simply become someone else's problem.



thirdbird_fic March 25 2012, 11:42:33 UTC
Ah, good point. We have a pretty big park near us so I've released them there before, but before we lived here I think we just released them on the street...where they probably came right back in.

In theory I agree that indoor mice are vermin and need to be executed, but I was never able to do it myself either!


grassle March 25 2012, 05:49:56 UTC
Good luck! You are certainly not pathetic.
I'm afraid I would just go to a hotel and cry until my ex the useless Charles came and sorted it out or failing that my best friend, the kids' godmother who is extremely practical (had to give them their first baths, cut their nails, etc.,), so you have my total admiration. See? That's what being pathetic means.


kholly March 25 2012, 17:05:54 UTC
My parents had a mouse behind their fridge for a while. My dad finally got around to doing something about it when he realized that my mother had named it and was talking to it. Things like, "Bye Jerry, hold the fort" when she was leaving the house. I don't think he told her either until one day she said, "Haven't seen Jerry in a while." Pretty sure he used the kind of traps that breaks their necks though.

You could always get a cat.


lady_ganesh March 25 2012, 18:04:09 UTC
She has cats. They're just useless, lol. (Not that mine would necessarily be any better in this circumstance.)


lindentreeisle March 25 2012, 18:51:28 UTC
I have two cats. They are profoundly useless.


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