If someone can please tell me what deity I've offended, I swear, I'll apologize.

Nov 24, 2011 19:18

Nothing has changed this year for my income, or the AH's, from when we applied for our government daycare subsidy this time around, and when we applied for it last time around. But this time, the way that they've done the math says that we've somehow worked less eligible hours, but for more money, resulting in them reducing our daycare subsidy by 4/5.

In actual money, that works out to an $800.00 shortfall, per month.

It took them this long to figure out that they're giving us only 1/5 of the money that they used to. Which means instead of the credits with daycare that we thought we'd be getting to put toward future monthly payments, we're going to end up paying pretty much the whole shot.

So, we'll have to pay for all of November's daycare (we're behind a month because of this) on December 1, and all of December's daycare, in cash, by December 15, because they can't be in the red going into their year end, and fair enough.

Again, in actual money? That means that between today and December 15, I'm going to have to pay out almost $4000.00 to my daycare provider, which is over and above what little subsidy we get.

My wage used to just cover both rent and daycare. Now, it's only going to cover daycare. Just barely. We've been squeaking by as it is. Our car and rental insurance had to go on our credit card, and I've been trying to pay it down every month, but I was counting on the money from the reduced daycare fees being what I used to pay it off. That's not going to happen now, so it's going to take longer, and mean paying more interest.

And I can't quit my job and be a stay at home mom, because the Academic Husband is still substitute teaching after all this time because of the cuts to education here in British Columbia, and substitute teachers don't get benefits. Or sick days. With my job, I do. So if one of the kids gets sick, or ends up in the hospital with another asthma episode, I can stay with them. It means that the antidepressants that keep us both sane are actually covered--80% worth, anyway. It means that the $70.00 inhaler that the Frog needs every 2 months is covered, and so is 80% of our dental. None of which is covered under his job.

So I can't quit my job. They have to stay in daycare. And they've said that we're free to appeal, and try and see if they'll grant us more, but that it's incredibly unlikely that an appeal is going to change anything (we're still going to try).

I called my sister and told her we can't come to the Rabbit's birthday party. It's too far to drive, and we seriously can't afford the gas and travel expenses, even if we could find a place to stay for free. She understands, thankfully. I couldn't take it if she'd gotten pissed over it.

Thank God, in all seriousness here, that the aliens are only two and a half. They aren't going to care what they get for Christmas, so long as it's in a box, and it has paper. I've already told the AH not to buy me anything right now. At some point, some day... yeah. I'm getting tired of waiting for the land of someday to come around. It keeps getting kicked in the teeth by today.

I just.


fml, the frog and monkey, the academic husband, rl, things domestic, state of the jay, angst, stress

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