day 01 | a song
day 02 | a picture
day 03 | a book/ebook/fanfic
day 04 | a site
day 05 | a youtube clip
day 06 | a quote
day 07 | whatever tickles your fancy
one of my favourite painters is caspar david friedrich. the picture i want to share with you is maybe the piece everyone knows.. but i'm so much in love with it that i don't care ^^
i love his use of colour and the detail, the composition and there is a certain aura to his pictures that i can't quite describe....
Caspar David Friedrich (1774 -1840)
Wanderer above the Sea of Fog ("Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer" 1818)
and i'll link to another one:
"the stages of life" (1835 )
- derren brown <3
- looking good^^
- "we had a meeting with camelot"????
- "i'm feeling a little bit sick" ^^ aww
can't wait for friday!
- "glee"
- sorry.. but i can't stand rachel!!
- and i don't want rachel/finn!!!!!
- *g* kurt! :O kurt/puck!!!!!!!
- emma :)
- LOL "i don't mentruate" "yeah? neither do i" *g* i like her
- lol omg.. she's awesome!
- *g* i admit, i dislike rachel so much that i don't even feel sorry for her XD
- XD kurt!!!
- "i just had a facial" *g* from whom? finn or puck? :P
- ... and will's wife is so annoying!
- poor will!
- what? how stupid and just aaargh.. i can't find enough words to express my dislike of will's wife!! (i won't bother remembering her name!)
- "this is where our daughter or gay sun will sleep" ... stereotype much?????
- what? why is he giving in???? he deserves so much better than a controlfreak like her!
- kurt and mercedes = fierce!
- i adore this version of "golddigger" .. but will's moves.. *lol*
- will/finn ^^
- LOL "i don't have a gag reflex" "one day when you're older that'll tun out to be a gift" :D :D :D
- how awesome are those leaflets
- aww emma is great
- whoa, rachel.. could you please stop talking!!!!!
- WTF wife!!!!! all you do is think of yourself!!!!!! you only want and you do NOT deserve it as you said. i hope will divorces her and she never appears again
- see, that's why i don't like most girls.. they're mean on purpose .. :P
- aww emma/will <3
- "blood?" :D
- lololol
- *g* kurt tapped finn's ass
- lol songs about circus
- lmao.. way to be subtle, rachel .. -.-
- "you talk more than you should".. this
- the wife is like a grown up version of rachel.. only without the talent.. -.-
- LOLOLOLOL i'm soooo glad she sin't pregnant!!! (i already suspected that :P) "hysterical pregnancy" *g*
- :( oh no, emma
- OMG you gotta be kidding me....... -.- lying bitch!
- i wish mercedes would get more screentime
- same goes for kurt and tina!
- i'm not into fashion in the slightest... but i like the way emma dresses :) it looks great and suits her well
pairings: will/emma, will/finn, kurt/puck .. and kurt/finn
lol, how awesome are these?!
*g* puppy eyes