Summary: Lincoln/Sara, a club and an argument over drugs. Ever since I saw Bec's comment about Sara/Lincoln in TheLana's journal it has had me thinking
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scarletumbrella is one of my favorite icon makers. I was looking through some of her old batched and she made 3 Lincoln/Sara icons even way back then. I think they are gorgeous. (no 4,5,6 and 43)
And so wenty_freak has decided to come join us on the dark side and has written some Linc/Sara interaction: Courage. Go poke her and see if we can't encourage her to write more.
Watch this space, I will be adding to it as the fics pile in. Which they will... once the rest of the world reaches enlightenment and figures out how awesome this pair is. Also, know of one not on the list? Tell me!!!!
I was unaware. And now I am. Aware, that is. *pokes comm*
Why is nobody posting? Are people unaware how awesome and totally right this pair is???
We must find a way to encourage participation and such here. We also need to seduce more people into writing Linc/Sara. Or am I speaking in a comm that has no members and thus is dead???