200 orange balloons.

Apr 29, 2006 18:14

At work today we blew up approximately 200 'pumpkin orange' balloons. Not the usual duties of the Ice Staff, but still it was great fun (if not painful for the fingers). We began in the morning when I worked with Kimmy, which is when we discovered they turn your hands orange and will attack your face if you let them go (one did, it was horrifying); then when I came back to work at 3:00 for my second shift Tim and I inflated twice as many as Kimmy and I had a few hours before. We didn't have a pump or anything, we just used our mouths, so 200 is a hell of a lot of balloons for three people! Brent blew up a whole 3 balloons, but complained that he couldn't tie them, then went to buy us more.

In case you were wondering, "200 pumpkin orange balloons? But WHY?!" it's because Brent's son is having his birthday party at the club tomorrow. Brent's going to be putting the balloons in a giant tarp above the ice, and when his son pulls the string they will all fall down. And they're orange because the little boy's favourite colour is orange (I say "little boy" because I don't know his name. . . Conner, maybe.) The curling season is basically done (4 sheets are curling on Monday) so he's letting the kids skate on the other 4 sheets of ice. SKATE ON A CURLING RINK? I have always wanted to do that! So I expressed my excitement, and he said I was welcome to join them -- and that I could help Andrea paint faces and make balloon animals! Is it wrong that I'm super excited for my boss's son's birthday party for tiny children? I get to SKATE ON THE ICE! Only. . . I don't have skates so I get to SLIDE WITH MY SHOES ON THE ICE without worrying about damaging it or being slowed down my a mop/nipper/pebbling can. Plus, painting little kids faces is great because they are so adorable -- and no matter how crap you are at drawing, they love it when it's done!

Man, I wish I had my camera today because the floor of the Icemaker's Office was absolutely covered in orange balloons. It got to the point where we had to strategize a way to get out of the room.

At the end of the shift, since it was our last of the season, Norina (who works at Ling Lee's Chinese Cuisine in the club) bought us both dinner! Mmm, chinese.

I've said "balloons" a lot in this entry, and nearly every time I've typed "baloons" instead and have had to correct it. Balloons. Balloons balloons balloons balloons.

I'm off to camp.

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