I had an interview Wednesday for the Admin Assistant position, and had the followup with the GM yesterday morning. Hopefully I'll know today! *stressed
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Whew. So much driving! But my 5 day vacation is coming to a close. Marscon was great. Well...good. It could have been a lot better. But I had fun anyway. The Dementia artists were awesome. I love Schaffer the Dark Lord, and everyone should check him out on youtube or facebook or myspace or twitter or wherever they geek. Check out his video
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This has a ton of info on how to help save Legend of the Seeker. Even if you only sorta like the show, please do something...sign a petition, write a station...every bit helps. Don't make me cry!
So, I just got word that my new obsession, Legend of the Seeker, has been canceled. Right as it was getting good! I know I'm going to start writing letters, and anyone that can help I will love forever. More info here
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