This one won by a huge margin, by which I conclude that a) a lot of people have gotten bored with their novels in the past, b) a lot of people think they might get bored with their novels now or in the future, or c) a lot of people want to be pointlessly entertained.
Well, I aim to please )
Comments 52
And Liuterin thanks you from the bottom of her black little heart.
I'm trying to juggle four plot threads at once in one story, and I'm currently trying to actually explain how a bunch of them are connecting up. Which is...damn boring. But I shall perservere.
Or, y'know, toss in more celestial-form smut, because that's always entertaining.
{as everyone in the room turns around to glare at Laurell K Hamilton...} :)
Heh. I never found this believable. When I want to touch "her" I always know why. >:)
Unless you're thirteen or you've lived in the woods or a cave your whole life, wanting to make physical contact with someone (or somesuch similar situation) will always have one or another familiar reason, urging, or longing behind it. Just because the person is in a book doesn't change this bit of human reality.
Much better, though it's sadly becoming cliche too, is a variation of "He had a flutter in his stomach, and thought, 'Oh crap, I really was hoping I wouldn't feel this way about anyone again'."
The moment he met her, he felt his stomach flutter. He thought it was love at first sight, until shortly before he lost consciousness, whereupon he realized it was actually poison.
And for some reason I have a tendency to equate love with gas. Go figure. :P
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