r04ch10 Voting One Lesser Quality #2 - His nose, left cheek and left side of his forehead are really bright compared to the rest of the icon, which makes it look over-contrasted.
r04ch10 Voting One Lesser Quality #3 - This is not a bad icon but I had to choose one and while this one has a great crop it lacks contrast, which make is look a bit flat.
One Better Quality #4 - Nice crop, color and use of text.
Comments 10
One Lesser Quality
#2 - icon is too dark.
One Better Quality
#4 - Nice coloring.
r04ch10 Voting
One Lesser Quality
#2 - His nose, left cheek and left side of his forehead are really bright compared to the rest of the icon, which makes it look over-contrasted.
One Better Quality
#3 - Nice lighting.
One Lesser Quality
1 - I like the crop but it misses a bit of contrast.
One Better Quality
4 - I love the muted coloring and the different colors of the text.
One Lesser Quality
#3 - This is not a bad icon but I had to choose one and while this one has a great crop it lacks contrast, which make is look a bit flat.
One Better Quality
#4 - Nice crop, color and use of text.
One Lesser Quality
#1 - awkward crop
One Better Quality
#4 - so pretty, great text!
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